Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent, CLOSED. (Full Version)

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Admiral Mitscher -> Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent, CLOSED. (5/19/2012 11:04:42 AM)

I want a Japanese opponent for a DaIronBabes-C scenario campaign, but would concider any of the extended-map DaBabes scenarios also. I would want a player with some experience with AE, and committed to finishing a campaign, and no Helmut types thanks.

I have been playing AE for around two years now, against the AI, and one PBEM campaign. But I did have a WitP CHS PBEM game against a friend , which went to early 1944, and only finished when AE came out.

I am proficient in the AE game mechanics, and well educated in the historic Allied strategy and
tactics, as I have studied this theatre for most of my adult life. I also have finished an AE
Scenario 2 campaign, as the Allies against the AI.

I can normally do about three to four turns a week, maybe more when work is quiet. But I also realise it takes the Japanese player, longer to do his early turns.

I am currently running the v1108r9 patch. 


-Accept air/ground replacement off. 
-Advance weather on. 
-AI historical. 
-Allied damage control on. 
-Auto sub ops off. 
-Combat reports on. 
-Dec 7th surprise on. 
-Factories to expand off. 
-Fog of war on. 
-Historic 1st turn off. 
-PDU on. 
-Plane move radius on. 
-Show combat animations on. 
-Show combat sum on. 
-Show clouds on. 
-Ships/air groups upgrade off. 
-TF move radius on. 
-Turn cycle 1. 

House Rules: (can be negotiated): 

- Allies cannot form new TFs in turn 1, but can alter orders for existing TFs. 
- Allied LCUs and Air units in China can be moved on turn 1.
- Only one Japanese port attack on turn 1.
- In turn 1 there can be multiple port attacks, but ONLY if carriers participate.
- In turn 1 Manila, Singapore, and Pearl may have Fighters up and on CAP (less than 40%).
- In turn 1 Allies cannot transfer new squadrons reflecting prior knowledge.

- Fighter Altitude Rules: Combat altitude from:
Dec 1941- May 1942 20,000
June 1942-Dec 1942 25,000
1943 30,000
1944--45 Whatever  
- Invasions are only allowed in hexes with bases, or dot bases. 
- No naval attack bombing below 10k feet for 4E bombers, other that for navy 4E bombers after 1943,   and does not include PBY/Mavis type patrol craft.
- No night bombing if moonlight is less than 50% other that for B29s. 
- No strategic bombing in or from China before 1944. 
- PPs have to be paid to release units from restricted commands. 
- Aircraft Limitations (reflecting the RA Mod):
No A6M3 on CVEs
No A6M4 on any form of Carrier
A7M Sam and B7A-D Grace cannot be operated from CVEs

- Burma/NE India Monsoon Rules
Offensive operations in jungle and mountain hexes on the Burmese front should be stopped from May
15th to October 15th for the Monsoon Season, allowing R&R, unit rotations, and give both players
on the front a much less bloody (and much more interesting) experience.
This would mean:
No deliberate or shock attack in the jungle hexes in the designated area
Deliberate Attacks allowed in non-Jungle Terrain
Bombardment attacks are still allowed anywhere
Movement into friendly or empty hexes is still allowed
The number of aircraft allowed to fly from a base is reflected in its size x10, Sz-5 mean 50% can
fly, and the others may rest/train.
No offensive carrier operations in the Gulf of Bengal against Burma (other naval ops, including
bombardment, are still allowed). Striking either Bengal, Northern India or Malaya from carriers
in the Gulf is still allowed.

Admiral Mitscher -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/21/2012 9:45:04 PM)

I am closing this Opponent wanted thread, because of the lack of interest. I did get one PM, but as he has not replied to my return PM, I will assume he lost interest. I had heard that with the loss of some of the older players, that this was becoming an aloof and inhospitable site. But then it is a long game, and some of us Newbie players do disappear. Never mind, I will move on to some real-time online games.


Dan Nichols -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/21/2012 11:26:27 PM)

It might not be a lack of interest, but your list of house rules.

KenchiSulla -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent, CLOSED. (5/22/2012 5:41:17 AM)

Two days? A game lasts potentially years.. I wouldn't call quits after two days...

Puhis -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent, CLOSED. (5/22/2012 6:43:56 AM)


ORIGINAL: Admiral Mitscher

I want a Japanese opponent for a DaIronBabes-C scenario campaign,

- Aircraft Limitations (reflecting the RA Mod):
No A6M3 on CVEs
No A6M4 on any form of Carrier

Your house rules are bit confusing, in scenario you want to play A6M3 is not carrier capable and A6M4 does not even exist...

Bullwinkle58 -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/22/2012 2:25:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: Dan Nichols

It might not be a lack of interest, but your list of house rules.

As a disinterested PBEM observer that was my first impression too. More like "CPA in the Pacific."

Admiral Mitscher -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/22/2012 9:00:28 PM)

Thanks Guy's, I have taken all your advice and criticisms on board. But I must add that I did state in my first post, that I was willing to negotiate.

I don't know if I'm overreacting or not, but I came into this only requesting an opponent. But for some reason my request has turned into a Witch-hunt, of me and my HRs.


witpqs -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/22/2012 10:14:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: Admiral Mitscher

I don't know if I'm overreacting or not, but I came into this only requesting an opponent. But for some reason my request has turned into a Witch-hunt, of me and my HRs.

Sounds like you might be. People are offering advice to your statement of disappointment, not conducting a "witch-hunt".

From my point of view: 2 days - actually just 1 day, 10 hours and 41 minutes - does seem a really short time to wait before declaring failure.

Negotiating on house rules is one thing, but I have the suspicion that when a player prefers few HRs and sees a long list offered they figure they would just not be a compatible opponent.

I also noticed that there were fewer than usual posts in this forum over the last several days, which includes the time your post was open. That might mean your post was seen by fewer people than usual during the less than 1.5 days before you declared it closed.

Making the connection to "aloof and inhospitable" because you got one query in less than 1.5 days - yeah, that is overreacting. Relax and keep trying. Good luck.

Dan Nichols -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/22/2012 10:23:35 PM)

To amplify on witpqs, I am playing one game PBEM now with no house rules and every thing is working just fine. So, to me, your long list of house rules tells me that we are probably not compatible players, even though I am thinking about another PBEM game.

Puhis -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/23/2012 6:23:13 AM)

Yes, I think there's too much HRs for most players.

For me those monsoon rules are too much. Halting fighting for a 5 months might be historical, but IMO it just doesn't work in this game, because all that time players can build bases and forts, and that's going to imbalance later fighting.

I've started 5 PBEM games, and sometimes it took more that 2 days to find an opponent. But I've always found one or two.

Admiral Mitscher -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/23/2012 6:59:43 AM)

Ok that's it, you Guys have got what you want, and I'm gone for good.

Both Wirraway_Ace, and armin have sent be PMs expressing interest in a campaign with me. But both have failed to reply to my return PMs, probably scared-off by you Guys.

What gets be is that I was only using HRs, copied from what some very experienced Players are already using.

Like I said, this is now not a very nice Forum for Newbys like me.


castor troy -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/23/2012 8:49:55 AM)


ORIGINAL: Admiral Mitscher

Ok that's it, you Guys have got what you want, and I'm gone for good.

Both Wirraway_Ace, and armin have sent be PMs expressing interest in a campaign with me. But both have failed to reply to my return PMs, probably scared-off by you Guys.

What gets be is that I was only using HRs, copied from what some very experienced Players are already using.

Like I said, this is now not a very nice Forum for Newbys like me.

You, Sir, got a serious problem. Glad that other newbs are more objective than you and while I welcome any new members I am not sure you will be missed. Have fun with your real time online gaming.

JocMeister -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/25/2012 9:01:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Admiral Mitscher

Ok that's it, you Guys have got what you want, and I'm gone for good.

But both have failed to reply to my return PMs, probably scared-off by you Guys.

Like I said, this is now not a very nice Forum for Newbys like me.



You were offered some friendly advice and are lashing out like you have been assaulted. I would say you are the hostile one in this case.

Dan Nichols -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/26/2012 12:24:17 AM)

I do feel bad, I made the first comment. I really don't understand why he felt he had to leave. I don't see where anyone attacked him in any way. I was considering a counter offer of a game, but it looks like he has gone for good. [:(]

witpqs -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/26/2012 1:00:06 AM)


ORIGINAL: Dan Nichols

I do feel bad, I made the first comment. I really don't understand why he felt he had to leave. I don't see where anyone attacked him in any way. I was considering a counter offer of a game, but it looks like he has gone for good. [:(]

Just consider his reaction to getting one response to a post he had up less than 1 1/2 days. It was not anything you said. It was all in his mind.

castor troy -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/26/2012 2:24:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: Dan Nichols

I do feel bad, I made the first comment. I really don't understand why he felt he had to leave. I don't see where anyone attacked him in any way. I was considering a counter offer of a game, but it looks like he has gone for good. [:(]

you don't have to feel bad. You have to be glad he left before you were offering a game because that guy surely isn't a long term PBEM opponent as you can clearly see from his reactions on the board.

erstad -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/27/2012 3:50:44 AM)


Both Wirraway_Ace, and armin have sent be PMs expressing interest in a campaign with me. But both have failed to reply to my return PMs, probably scared-off by you Guys.

Wirraway_Ace was out of town this last week.

PizzaMan -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/27/2012 6:52:11 AM)


Grfin Zeppelin -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/27/2012 9:59:51 PM)

Thanks, I was in need for my daily fix of internet drama and found it here.

jeffk3510 -> RE: Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent. (5/28/2012 3:21:40 AM)

Boy howdy...

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