Admiral Mitscher -> Wanted Japanese DaBigBabes Opponent, CLOSED. (5/19/2012 11:04:42 AM)
I want a Japanese opponent for a DaIronBabes-C scenario campaign, but would concider any of the extended-map DaBabes scenarios also. I would want a player with some experience with AE, and committed to finishing a campaign, and no Helmut types thanks. I have been playing AE for around two years now, against the AI, and one PBEM campaign. But I did have a WitP CHS PBEM game against a friend , which went to early 1944, and only finished when AE came out. I am proficient in the AE game mechanics, and well educated in the historic Allied strategy and tactics, as I have studied this theatre for most of my adult life. I also have finished an AE Scenario 2 campaign, as the Allies against the AI. I can normally do about three to four turns a week, maybe more when work is quiet. But I also realise it takes the Japanese player, longer to do his early turns. I am currently running the v1108r9 patch. Options/settings: -Accept air/ground replacement off. -Advance weather on. -AI historical. -Allied damage control on. -Auto sub ops off. -Combat reports on. -Dec 7th surprise on. -Factories to expand off. -Fog of war on. -Historic 1st turn off. -PDU on. -Plane move radius on. -Show combat animations on. -Show combat sum on. -Show clouds on. -Ships/air groups upgrade off. -TF move radius on. -Turn cycle 1. House Rules: (can be negotiated): - Allies cannot form new TFs in turn 1, but can alter orders for existing TFs. - Allied LCUs and Air units in China can be moved on turn 1. - Only one Japanese port attack on turn 1. - In turn 1 there can be multiple port attacks, but ONLY if carriers participate. - In turn 1 Manila, Singapore, and Pearl may have Fighters up and on CAP (less than 40%). - In turn 1 Allies cannot transfer new squadrons reflecting prior knowledge. - Fighter Altitude Rules: Combat altitude from: Dec 1941- May 1942 20,000 June 1942-Dec 1942 25,000 1943 30,000 1944--45 Whatever - Invasions are only allowed in hexes with bases, or dot bases. - No naval attack bombing below 10k feet for 4E bombers, other that for navy 4E bombers after 1943, and does not include PBY/Mavis type patrol craft. - No night bombing if moonlight is less than 50% other that for B29s. - No strategic bombing in or from China before 1944. - PPs have to be paid to release units from restricted commands. - Aircraft Limitations (reflecting the RA Mod): No A6M3 on CVEs No A6M4 on any form of Carrier A7M Sam and B7A-D Grace cannot be operated from CVEs - Burma/NE India Monsoon Rules Offensive operations in jungle and mountain hexes on the Burmese front should be stopped from May 15th to October 15th for the Monsoon Season, allowing R&R, unit rotations, and give both players on the front a much less bloody (and much more interesting) experience. This would mean: No deliberate or shock attack in the jungle hexes in the designated area Deliberate Attacks allowed in non-Jungle Terrain Bombardment attacks are still allowed anywhere Movement into friendly or empty hexes is still allowed The number of aircraft allowed to fly from a base is reflected in its size x10, Sz-5 mean 50% can fly, and the others may rest/train. No offensive carrier operations in the Gulf of Bengal against Burma (other naval ops, including bombardment, are still allowed). Striking either Bengal, Northern India or Malaya from carriers in the Gulf is still allowed.