Field of Glory Battle Pack Now Available! (Full Version)

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Scott Parrino -> Field of Glory Battle Pack Now Available! (5/31/2012 5:42:37 PM)

Get more than twenty challenging scenarios for single and multiplayer in one package!

Matrix Games, Slitherine (, and Hexwar ( are excited to announce the release of the Field of Glory Battle Pack, a battle-ready pack full of scenarios for single and multiplayer that cover a wide range of periods.

Players can pick up the Field of Glory Battle Pack from either the Slitherine or Matrix Games site! Field of Glory Digital is REQUIRED to play the Field of Glory Battle Pack!

In the Field of Glory Battle Pack, players can choose from a variety of scenarios and refight great battles including Bosworth Field, Crecy, and the Battle of Granicus. Take control of Caesar’s forces during the invasion of Gaul or Britain, or take the field at Megiddo, Hastings, or Platea. All Field of Glory fans will find the right scenario that scratches the itch in the Battle Pack!

Check out the battle list below!

Al-Qadisiyya 637AD
Battle of the Standard 1138AD
Bosworth Field 1485AD
Brunanburh 937AD
Caesar in Britain (Devil's Dyke) 54BC
Caesar in Gaul (Ariovistus) 58BC
Crecy 1346AD
Degastan 603AD
Dorostolon 971AD
Eurymedon 466BC
Granicus 334BC
Hastings 1066AD
Las Navas De Tolosa 1212AD
Leuctra 371BC
Lincoln 1141AD
Lindanisa 1219AD
Mauron 1352AD
Megiddo 1457BC
Mortgarten 1315AD
Plataea 479BC
Raphia 217BC
Saving Jerusalem 582BC
St Matthews Day 1217AD
The Elephant Victory 273BC

Along with the release of the Field of Glory Battle Pack comes the 1.8 update for Field of Glory Digital, which can be downloaded from this link. The update includes fixes and changes to the following:

Added support for the Battle Pack
Added additional Battle Groups to the scenario editor.
Fixed all reported DAG list issues in the Technical support forum.
Fixed all reported Scenario Editor issues in the Technical support forum.
Fixed a bug where Spear/Pike impact POA's were used incorrectly where a charge move by them ended in a stream.
Fixed a bug related to rear charge issues.

Pick up the patch from the downloads page at the Matrix Games site. The update is comprehensive and will bring all versions of Field of Glory Digital to 1.8.

About Field of Glory Battle Pack

Based on Slitherine’s popular tabletop wargaming system by the same name, Field of Glory now comes to the PC in a faithful adaptation of this acclaimed miniatures wargame! Without the calculations and measurements required for a tabletop game of Field of Glory, the PC version accurately represents ancient and medieval combat where you make the important and fun decisions on the battlefield.

Now with the Field of Glory Battle Pack, players will find more than twenty additional challenging scenarios to whet their appetite for action on the field, from ancient to medieval tactical combat from Megiddo in 1457 BC to Bosworth Field in 1485 AD.

Field of Glory Digital is REQUIRED to play the Field of Glory Battle Pack

Rosseau -> RE: Field of Glory Battle Pack Now Available! (5/31/2012 9:00:52 PM)

With all due respect, I have downloaded close to 500 scenarios from the likes of Stockwell Pete and others. I will not live long enough to play them all. So why in the world would I pay $10 for a smattering of new FoG scenarios. I can get two Panzer Corps dlc's for that. Give me a reason and I'll consider it [;)]

IainMcNeil -> RE: Field of Glory Battle Pack Now Available! (6/1/2012 9:33:28 AM)

Not everyone is comfortable adding mod content to their game. These scenarios have been fully tested and all the usual issues and bugs you get with mod content resolved. It comes with a full installer to set it all up for you. For people who are not happy copying files around and trying to get things to work it means you just plug and play. If that's not what you are looking for then its probably not for you!

Hertston -> RE: Field of Glory Battle Pack Now Available! (6/1/2012 12:24:44 PM)

Hmmm... I think it's more that people will go for 'official', in the expectation scenarios will all be designed, researched and balanced to professional standards (not that many 'unofficial' ones aren't as well). I've paid up as it's an interesting mix including several of my favourites, esp. Bosworth Field.

vonRocko -> RE: Field of Glory Battle Pack Now Available! (6/1/2012 2:14:57 PM)



Not everyone is comfortable adding mod content to their game.

That's me![;)]

Rosseau -> RE: Field of Glory Battle Pack Now Available! (6/1/2012 11:28:51 PM)

Well, at $0.50 a scenario, considering the map work involved, it's worth it for some. But really, simply unzipping a user-created file and putting it in a folder is not modding. No offense, Rocko[;)]

Also, were these scenarios done by the dev team that is bailing on FoG?

Actually, they look pretty good at 46 cents each. And I assume you can edit them? I'm such an easy mark!

chuotconk41a -> RE: Field of Glory Battle Pack Now Available! (4/2/2016 2:47:31 PM)

Grand Theft Auto là series game hành động nhập vai cướp đường phố nổi tiếng của hăng Rockstar phát hành. Sau 5 năm kể từ phiên bản Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar đă cho ra mắt GTA V vào năm 2003 cho Xbox 360, Xbox One. Và để thỏa ḷng mong ngóng của các game thủ, cuối cùng GTA V đă có mặt trên nền tảng PC.
Bối cảnh game diễn ra tại thành phố hư cấu Los Santos của San Andreas, Mỹ vào năm 2013. Game phản ánh khá đầy đủ bức tranh đời sống nước Mỹ hiện tại với t́nh h́nh khủng hoảng kinh tế, trào lưu công nghệ...

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