Cerion -> RE: Informal Poll: Random Weather or Not (6/7/2012 4:41:19 PM)
ORIGINAL: Tarhunnas However, I do agree with those that think random weather can be a bit too random. I would like to see some kind of light mud or similar during the summer months. quote:
ORIGINAL: jaw This is one area where I disagree with just about everyone else on the development team: at a scale of one week turns and 10 mile hexes random weather is neither historicaliy nor meteorologically accurate. The amount of rain you need to produce mud conditions over hundreds of square miles of terrain cannot be produced by any fast moving summer shower. It requires sustained rain, day in and day out for days on end. At minimum, the probability of mud between July and September should be ZERO at this scale. Once the weather does deteriorate it should be very difficult, if not impossible, for it to improve before the season changes. So in the Fall, Clear can turn to Mud but Mud can't turn back to Clear, Mud can turn to Snow and Snow to Mud (if still in the Fall) but Blizzard can only be more Blizzard or Snow. If the Random weather table had this structured variability I'd be all for it; as currently designed I'll stick with non-random weather. quote:
ORIGINAL: 76mm In theory I would like to play with random weather, but currently it is just too random. If they can't introduce something between clear and mud, I would like for them to introduce a "random-lite" option in which mud/blizzard can vary by +/- two or three turns, just to keep things interesting... +1 all three. In theory, I like Random weather but ........... best implemented.