Knyvet -> RE: Japanese Pilot Training (6/20/2012 6:08:52 AM)
Easy part - use almost all the air units in manchuko for training - they are restricted, so it will cost you to pull them out + most of them are very slow to upgrade if playing PDU off (those few that do upgrade early you may want to pull out). Bad news is that almost all of them are Army units. Hard part - use the majority of the restricted command air units on the main Japanese islands for training (especially the Navy units with old airframes). The hard part is that you want some on ASW and Naval search instead of 100% training. How many - that's a tough call. In addition, you will likely want to pay the points to pull a select few out for combat areas - if you pull too many of the Navy guys you, you may be hosed in the long run because your pilot replacements will have little training before you need them. The number of units you use strictly for training is a balancing act and you need to careful to leave enough Navy units training. It may come down to whether you want your "I'm finished training them" experience in the high 40's? 50's? 60?? - what can you tolerate? If you want higher exprience before putting them in action, you are going to need more training units. Finally, whether you use your CVE's for training is an interesting issue with many pros and cons. The Japanese balance of training enough, but not too many pilots through dedicated units is yet another fun game within the game (I have lost count of how many there are in WitpAE).