budd -> RE: Patch (6/21/2012 5:09:39 AM)
Well not much is working... I have alot of patience but this is getting downright painful. I reinstall vanilla..works fine. Tried running the 580 exe, game wont start, i still tried to install the patch even though the game wouldnt start, using the updater as suggested above. No go. Now it says game wont run because there's files missing...looks like directx 9 files to me...so reinstall vanilla the directx and runtime stuff installs fine...runs fine...thinking maybe i need to install the first engine [577] first. Install the 577 game runs fine..ok so far..run the 580 exe and pretty much rinse and repeat as above ..no joy. What the....K. Where the hell should i go from vanilla, anyone...hell i'll try anything. Excuse me while i go break something[;)]