Waterloo BBC2 (Full Version)

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wodin -> Waterloo BBC2 (6/23/2012 3:04:39 PM)

One of the greatest war Films made is on BBC2 at the moment Waterloo. The battlefield scenes are sublime and look like those paintings of Napoleonic warfare.

warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/23/2012 5:24:08 PM)

"What are your plans your grace?"

"To beat the French"

OldSarge -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 3:48:26 AM)

You're referring to the 1970 version? I envy you guys! AFAIK they have never released a DVD version that will play outside of Europe, not sure why. [&:]

I first saw it when one of the networks aired it, back in the day before American TV became a wasteland. I later saw it a second time when I was stationed in Germany. Of course, there are segments to be found on YouTube, but it isn't quite the same.

It ranks high on my short list of the great and epic, must see war films.

Aurelian -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 6:08:55 AM)



You're referring to the 1970 version? I envy you guys! AFAIK they have never released a DVD version that will play outside of Europe, not sure why. [&:]

Actually, they have. I bought mine when I was here: http://www.boardgamers.org/ a few years ago.

It's funny to watch with the sub titles on. They're translated from what I think is Chinese to English. (Though the movie itself is in English.) For example, when Wellington is addressed, you hear "Your Grace", but you read Admiral.

The entire movie is here http://youtube.ng/watch?v=oKmqRqY0RLg

ilovestrategy -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 8:28:11 AM)

What a coincidence. I just saw that last month. Downloaded it from YouTube so I could watch it on my phone.

wodin -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 10:40:49 AM)

Rod Steiger is superb. Not sure what else the directer made. Sounds Italian, lots of Italians on the set aswell reading the credits.

warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 11:47:25 AM)

The film was an Italian / Russian production - the Russians providing the troop iirc.

I think the entire cast was superb - Steiger, Plummer et al - great, great film [&o].

ilovestrategy -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 3:44:04 PM)

I'm surprised I had never even heard of it until last month.

wodin -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 5:37:28 PM)

Remember watching it first time in about 1981 on TV I was about 9 or 10 and loved it.

Aurelian -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 8:22:02 PM)

Some trivia: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0066549/trivia

andym -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 8:51:50 PM)

Its about time a remake was done!

warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 10:32:48 PM)



Its about time a remake was done!

It's already in production. Apparently an American mercenary - Rafe McCauley - enlists in the Russian Army in 1812. He plays a pivotal role in saving the Russians at Borodino. As the French start their attack, McCauley shouts "I think the Napoleonic war has just started". He moves to Britain once the French retreat.

There, McCauley joins the British Army and enlists in the Guards. When Napoleon escapes from Elba, McCauley demands to sail to the continent to stop the Little Corporal in his tracks. He tells Wellington that a place called Waterloo would make an ideal defensive position.

At the height of the battle, as the French Imperial Guard seek to finish off the remnants of the Anglo-Dutch-German army, Wellington gives the command - "now McCauley, nows your time" and McCauley - single-handedly - fires shot after shot into the ranks of the advancing French. The crack French troops, seeing this one man colossus, lose their nerve and break ranks, beginning what became a headlong and irreversible retreat.

Can't wait.....

jwarrenw13 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/24/2012 10:51:28 PM)

According to movie legend, there was a long -- maybe 4 hours long -- original version of the movie shown in Russia. But the longer version has never seen the light of day.

Kiith -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/25/2012 1:17:09 AM)

Warspite, if you could have just work in a romantic angle between McCauley and Josephine you'd have yourself a movie (that should not be named) deal[:-]

ilovestrategy -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/25/2012 5:51:59 AM)

Warspite. ROFL! [:D]

warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/25/2012 8:56:05 PM)



Warspite, if you could have just work in a romantic angle between McCauley and Josephine you'd have yourself a movie (that should not be named) deal[:-]

Apologies, I gave but an abbreviated version of the re-make. There is a romantic angle, although I do not believe it has anything to do with TMTSNBN.

When our hero Rafe joined the Russian army his rise thrrough the ranks from peasant soldier to Chief of Staff (to Field Marshal Kutusov) was meteroic. In less than a week he found himself No.2 in the Russian Army and soon became a serious player at the Russian court. He had a passionate affair with Elizabeth Alexeievna - wife of Alexander I and assisted Pyotr Iiyich Tchaikovsky in composing Swan Lake - even though the Russian composer was not born for another 28 years.

Having beaten back the French through his masterly command of the Russian troops at Borodino, Rafe turned his hand to a spot of architecture - designing the Bolshoi theatre - before sailing for England in 1813, bored with life at court.

Having joined the elite British Foot Guards upon arrival there, he once more ingratiated himself with the local royalty, embarking on a passionate affair with Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the wife of George III. That year he assisted a young authoress who was struggling to come up with a decent plot for a book she was trying to write. The authoress, Jane Austen, told Rafe that she had a nifty idea for a title but couldn't think of a story to go with it.

"Its called Pride and Prejudice" Austen told Rafe. "Great title babe" said Rafe - and within ten minutes his rapier like mind came up with a plot involving five sisters called Bennett, a town called Meryton and a hero called Mr Darcy. Austen was overjoyed and Rafe and she soon embarked upon a passionate affair etc etc.

However, war was soon to rear its ugly head once more. Rafe was in Italy on holiday, where he met Napoleon's ex- Josephine de Beauharnais. She was desperate to get into the handsome Rafe's breeches but just as she plucked up the courage to ask him for a bit of rumpy pumpy, Rafe received a telegram. "Not tonight Josephine" he said "I must go - your ex-old man has done a bunk from Elba".

Returning to Southampton, Rafe took a carriage direct to London to report to the Duke of Wellington. "Rafe, thank-god your here!" exclaimed the Duke "Bonaparte has escaped, landed in France and, even as we speak, is marching on Brussels". Rafe let out a big grin "Relax dude, take a chill pill. Rafe is here in the nick of time". "But what do we do Rafe?" quizzed the desperate Wellington. "Get me to Belgium on the first boat - we'll head em off at the pass". "Pass?" said Wellington. "Yeah, there's a place called Mont St Jean, south of Brussels, that's where i intend for Napoleon to meet his Waterloo". "Hussah" screamed Wellington like an excited school girl.

And the rest, as they say, is history (Hollywood styleee).

Rafe McCauley in Russian Green uniform just before Borodino


ezzler -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/25/2012 8:56:23 PM)

I'm sorry to say i just can't see it.
As mentioned already, where is the love interest? Angelina needs a reason to sign.

However, there is a sizeable nugget that could be polished.

How about a comedy, hip, good natured but crazy sidekick? I'm thinking Chris Rock?
And those muskets..they're like so 90's. The 1790s.

think a mad professor who only Wellington believes in develops a steam powered cannon land battleship? Its deployed and arrives with Prussians {who would be much more cinematic if they were Thracian.} They mow down the french but Napoleon has Angelina hostage . Maybe on top of a building at the Waterloo canyon?
McCauley has to get in to it and get her?

Well...it still needs work, but with some more creativity...

warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/25/2012 9:09:26 PM)



I'm sorry to say i just can't see it.
As mentioned already, where is the love interest? Angelina needs a reason to sign.

However, there is a sizeable nugget that could be polished.

How about a comedy, hip, good natured but crazy sidekick? I'm thinking Chris Rock?
And those muskets..they're like so 90's. The 1790s.

think a mad professor who only Wellington believes in develops a steam powered cannon land battleship? Its deployed and arrives with Prussians {who would be much more cinematic if they were Thracian.} They mow down the french but Napoleon has Angelina hostage . Maybe on top of a building at the Waterloo canyon?
McCauley has to get in to it and get her?

Well...it still needs work, but with some more creativity...


Well Angelina can play Elizabeth or Charlotte or Jane or Josephine......

I like the Chris Rock angle - I'm sure a wise-crackin Chris Rock or maybe an Eddie Murphy would go down a treat in 19th century royal circles. Rock/Murphy could be Ivan Acrap, one of the peasants that Rafe joins up with and they have whole manner of "hilarious" adventures together...

british exil -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/25/2012 11:00:34 PM)

Wish the film would be released in Germany.

But the Germans are a bit upset to say the least, they still hold firm to the belief if it was for the Prussian soldier, Rafe would have been captured and tortured in the french amphitheatre (Arles South France).

We all know that Fritz the Prussian was a drunkard and got lost on his way to help Rafe, I'm surw W1 knows the details in this top secret affair.

As we know the Germans/Prussians are bad losers so there will be no release in their cinemas,DVD'S, Blu Rays etc etc


warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/25/2012 11:14:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: british exil

Wish the film would be released in Germany.

But the Germans are a bit upset to say the least, they still hold firm to the belief if it was for the Prussian soldier, Rafe would have been captured and tortured in the french amphitheatre (Arles South France).

We all know that Fritz the Prussian was a drunkard and got lost on his way to help Rafe, I'm surw W1 knows the details in this top secret affair.

As we know the Germans/Prussians are bad losers so there will be no release in their cinemas,DVD'S, Blu Rays etc etc


Ambrose provided the definitive answer to the thorny Prussian question in his 1972 epic tome "Listen Jerry, can't you be satisfied that you always win at football? Just let the Tommies have this one will you?"

In this extensively researched book, Ambrose makes the case, beyond any doubt whatsoever, that it was Wellington that won the battle and that the German contribution was irrelevant to the final outcome. From Chapter 7:

It was Wellington that won the battle and the German contribution was irrelevant to the final outcome.

There you have it - the genius of Ambrose strikes again - conclusive proof beyond all doubt that the Duke won the battle.

warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 7:50:36 AM)

Are there any other films about the Napoleonic Wars that anyone knows about (apart from War and Peace)? I don't recall any....[&:]

Wolfe1759 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 9:18:07 AM)

The Duelists by Ridley Scott (I think it was his first feature film as a director)

redcoat -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 12:13:39 PM)

The Napoleonic Wars at sea



warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 1:29:02 PM)


ORIGINAL: redcoat

The Napoleonic Wars at sea



Ah yes of course, Master and Commander. I should really see that - is it any good?

redcoat -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 2:06:05 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Ah yes of course, Master and Commander. I should really see that - is it any good?

Yes, I think it is worth seeing IMHO. It has a good performance from Russell and a period atmosphere.


warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 2:09:11 PM)


ORIGINAL: redcoat


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Ah yes of course, Master and Commander. I should really see that - is it any good?

Yes, I think it is worth seeing IMHO. It has a good performance from Russell and a period atmosphere.


Thanks redcoat, I will keep a look out for that.

Joe D. -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 6:04:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

There, McCauley joins the British Army and enlists in the Guards. When Napoleon escapes from Elba, McCauley demands to sail to the continent to stop the Little Corporal in his tracks. He tells Wellington that a place called Waterloo would make an ideal defensive position ...

Then Wellington loses because the actual battle site was St. Jean, which Wellington's engineers had previously determined to be a good site for a defensive action.

warspite1 -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 6:08:25 PM)




ORIGINAL: warspite1

There, McCauley joins the British Army and enlists in the Guards. When Napoleon escapes from Elba, McCauley demands to sail to the continent to stop the Little Corporal in his tracks. He tells Wellington that a place called Waterloo would make an ideal defensive position ...

Then Wellington loses because the actual battle site was St. Jean, which Wellington's engineers had previously determined to be a good site for a defensive action.

Please see post 16 - and it was Mont St Jean. I did not use it in the original because it would not mean a lot to some people, whereas Waterloo - for obvious reasons - does.

british exil -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 6:29:50 PM)

Bernhard Cornwell wrote the "Richard Sharpe" series, which was later filmed with Sean Bean as Sharpe. I enjoyed the books but have no idea if the films or series was any good. The series did not run here on the Prussian telly, methinks Rafe had his hand in it again.

Master and Commander was a film I really enjoyed, in fact I may just have to buy it to be able to watch it from time to time.

Look at this link, (NO I AM NOT A SPAMBOT) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Napoleonic_Wars_films . Did not recognize most films, maybe I am just too young.


redcoat -> RE: Waterloo BBC2 (6/26/2012 6:49:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: british exil

Bernhard Cornwell wrote the "Richard Sharpe" series, which was later filmed with Sean Bean as Sharpe. I enjoyed the books but have no idea if the films or series was any good. The series did not run here on the Prussian telly, methinks Rafe had his hand in it again.

I must have watched the whole series of Sharpe about half a dozen times so far. It's on British telly on a regular basis and people keep on watching it.


As well as Sharpe there is also the TV series Hornblower.


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