Ponicus -> RE: Pricing Hurting Sales? (8/17/2012 1:01:01 AM)
I really have to give my opinion here on this, specially if the devs and publishers have a chance to read this, from a fan of the game. I spend a lot of money and buy a lot of games. I also bought DW and its expansions when they had the bundle a while back. It still was expensive, even with the very meager discount. However, I believe myself to be the atypical gamer. I spend a LOT of money on games annually. As my primary hobby, its simply where I put my money. So I didn't flinch much because I do ok for myself and I am a life long gamer, specially of anything Space related and also of the 4x genre. Been playing every game in this genre since Stars! on Windows 3.1. I think DW is one of the best 4x games ever made. MoO was the genre buster, but DW is the genre to its most complex yet refined. Which is why its sad to see that it isn't being properly recognized and played because of its pricing and marketing strategy. They need to bundle the game and the previous expansions into a "Gold" version or whatever you may call it, price it at 49.99 (at most) or 39.99, and put it on Steam (while continuing to sell it on Matrix too). Do this before you release the next expansion. By bundling and pricing more aggresively, you'll grow the install base of the existing game (not to mention grow the fan base), and then when you sell the expansion at it's normal price you will sell more of those too. Everyone makes more money!