-> Allied player wanted (closed) (7/2/2012 5:31:45 PM)
Hello All, Ok, guess I am gonna saddle up to the bar and have a drink with the Big Dogs......[&o] I have been playing WITP and WITP:AE for quite some time always against the AI but have yet to play a PBEM game. I would say I understand the basics fairly well and have been spending more time lately following some of the more interesting AAR's trying to increase my understanding. I would like to try Scen #1 or #2 (prefer #2 as I could use the extra boost). As far as other options I am completely open to discuss them. I would expect 3-5 turns a week (RL has me pulling some 18 hour days 2-3 days a week). If interested, please contact me and we can discuss the details. Thanks,