Q-Ball -> Problem loading Saved Game File (7/9/2012 7:48:41 PM)
I am trying to start a PBEM vs. Greyjoy. We are both using the latest Beta, version ending in 1108r9, dated 1/21/2012 Greyjoy is starting the game as Japanese. When he send file to me, I receive an immediate "Saved Game Failed to Load!" error message. Greyjoy is able to load it normally on his end. As a test, I sent him a test game as Japan; Greyjoy was able to open that file normally as Allies GJ sent from a different account, and I saved to a different slot. Failure each time. GJ sent a test file, to see if his original was corrupted; that one failed So, it seems to work if I start the game, but I cannot read files that GJ starts Myself or Greyjoy can send the file, please PM both and we'll forward it