Bingeling -> RE: Distant Worlds Extended (4/27/2016 11:23:37 AM)
I would expect this to be updated in the AI mod. This has not changed a lot as it is pretty basic and brilliant :) I believe that the AI mod includes the "DAS Chrome UI", but I could be wrong. If they do not, do the following. Download both mods. Look inside Das Chrome UI and see what folders it includes (it should be only a few). Then look in the other mod if these folders are present (they probably are not unless including another UI mod). If they do not overlap, simply move the ones from the UI mod into the other one (or the other way) and you have the combination. If they contain the same file, you should be careful in what you do. The worst thing that can happen by adding an UI mod that does not conflict in files (even if other file are present in the same folder), is that you get some UI elements with a different look (that was not included in the UI mod). This could happen if you add the UI mod to another mod that adds new resources, for instance. And in any way, doing the above is not more dangerous than in worst case having to delete the mod folders and download again.