AW1Steve -> RE: Katherine, OZ - supplies (7/13/2012 3:26:42 PM)
ORIGINAL: Dobey quote:
ORIGINAL: wdolson quote:
ORIGINAL: JeffK And all Yanquis know the location of every location in the USA. Plus anyone who lives near Wolf Creek must have rocks in their heads. No insult or broad generalizations intended. I was trying to say (not very well) that Balgo is a very small place in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't be surprised to see it's picture next to the definition of the middle of nowhere in the dictionary. [:)] I was just a bit surprised to come across someone who had done any work connected with the place. Bill To be honest I think you're assessment is pretty much spot on Bill. The NT and NW Western Australia are full of little "dot towns" that most people here have never heard of, let alone overseas. Had I not worked in my previous role I would probably never have heard of it either. To make a game relevant comment - anyone who has been in that part of the country will appreciate the utter impossibility of marching a sizeable army through that area and maintaining it for any length of time. I'll have to take your word for it guys.They can criss-cross the Sahara , the can fight in New Guinea, go up and down accross Burma, Build the Ledo road,build the Transcontinental and Trans Siberian railroad, the Japanese can build a railroad across most of Thailand with hand tools (and slave labor), and the USA/Canadians can build in two years the ALCAN highway, but apparently the Ozzie outback beats them all. I'll have to see it someday. Everybody says the road to Japan does NOT go through Darwin, but if you COULD supply it , I see a marvelous place for airfields to cover the leap frog camapign back into the DEI. My thoughts is , since that's why Japan fought the war to begin it , what better place to try to take away from her and make her pay through the nose to defend? I guess I'm thinking too much Sun Tzu and not enough Jomini and Clauzwitz. What I feel is the limiting factor is not the strategy, the terain or ability, but the limitations of the game engine. THAT I can appreciate and accept. And until I learn to properly mod the editor (and find a PBEM opponent that's willing to let me try out my theory), I'll have to live with it. Many,many thanks for gold information nuggets! [&o] I greatly appreciate them, and learned a lot from them. [:)]