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Nebogipfel -> ok men... (7/17/2012 7:36:44 PM)

I´ve got the feeling we´re too much away from realitiy with our wargaming interest.

I am beware of this political issue here, and maybe I will be banned of this. But as a wargamer it is not easy just to consider ww2 and something else. And neglect the days we´re living at.

Why not do develop a mordern game with political attidudes. Yeah it need some kind of courage , but thats I´m missing.

regards Michael

parusski -> RE: ok men... (7/17/2012 8:06:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: Nebogipfel

I´ve got the feeling we´re too much away from realitiy with our wargaming interest.

I am beware of this political issue here, and maybe I will be banned of this. But as a wargamer it is not easy just to consider ww2 and something else. And neglect the days we´re living at.

Why not do develop a mordern game with political attidudes. Yeah it need some kind of courage , but thats I´m missing.

regards Michael

I think you have a valid point. I am appalled that people don't want to discuss politics because someone might be offended. So what if someone does not like my point of view.Z There are a couple of members of this forum who post unusual, and at times odd, "IDEAS". But it does not hurt my brain to read them.

Anyhow, I would like to see something like a player having the choice to decide whether or not to treat Ukrainian's more humanely which might lead to greater cooperation and less partisan activity. Is that what you are talking about??

I seem to recall one of the Squad Leader mods allowed the execution of prisoner's...

Nebogipfel -> RE: ok men... (7/17/2012 8:31:46 PM)

Thank you very much parrusky, for the courage you´ve shown.
The Ukraine theme is something I ´d liked to be discussed.
Comon men whe can´t neglect reality ...

ilovestrategy -> RE: ok men... (7/17/2012 8:32:27 PM)

I'll pass. I'm a major history freak and have no interest in modern day politics. Peope can make political threads until the cows come home but I'll stick with the ones pertaining to military history from 1945 on back.

After '45 I care nothing about.

Nebogipfel -> RE: ok men... (7/17/2012 8:35:13 PM)

So do it........

KG Erwin -> RE: ok men... (7/17/2012 11:43:30 PM)

Please keep in mind that political discussions are frowned upon here, and are against forum rules. We are here to discuss gaming matters and OT subjects which are of a non-political nature.

parusski -> RE: ok men... (7/18/2012 12:59:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: Nebogipfel

So do it........

Pretty much everyone on this site is too afraid, politically correct or...HELL I don't know. The attitude of so many is "politics" do not belong here because we talk GAMES. I just never understood how otherwise intelligent people say "politics have no part in historical games"(not quoting anyone specifically)since "war is the continuation of politics by other means"(Clausewitz).

I normally tow the line around here because there is a HUGE number of members that want everything a certain way, with NO dissenting ideas.

I wish we could start a "Politics" in GAMES thread, that way those who are terrified of political discussions could do the easy thing-they could just ignore that thread.

Ah, it is useless, we will continue to be PC...at least here.

KG Erwin -> RE: ok men... (7/18/2012 1:12:58 AM)

Matrix is in the business of selling games, not in setting up forums for folks to rail against this or that. There are plenty of places in which one can do that. I have no problem with it.

Frankly, I think the moderators have been more than tolerant in some of the discussions posted here.

As a personal comment, it seems that everyone is wound up just a bit too tight these days. I have no answers for you, but simply blogging about your issues seems to be the modern day version of self-therapy.

Nebogipfel -> RE: ok men... (7/18/2012 1:46:28 AM)

Its´s not as easy as you do. All about selling games doesn´t fit anything at all. Are we mindless slaves ?

ilovestrategy -> RE: ok men... (7/18/2012 8:21:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: Nebogipfel

Its´s not as easy as you do. All about selling games doesn´t fit anything at all. Are we mindless slaves ?

It's a privately owned gaming forum. They make the rules. We can follow them or leave.
And they said no political threads.

wodin -> RE: ok men... (7/18/2012 12:55:47 PM)

I have a forum dedicated to debate..as long as nothing illegal is said etc then it's fine. Also if you do post you must have a thick skin and not be prone to getting upset or wound up.

parusski -> RE: ok men... (7/18/2012 1:16:46 PM)

OOOPS. As the great S. Ambrose wrote in War Does Not, Never Has and Never Will Have Any Relation To Anything Political - "...never mention that politics has any place in war, despite the fact that war is politics extended. Of course one can look at Hitler's decision to enter a non-aggression pact with Soviet Russia in 1939 as one of entertainment, NOT politics, on Der Fuehrer's part. Hitler's decision NOT to recognize Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia was NOT political. Instead, those decisions were made for space exploration reasons - at least that is what is contended by the NO POLITICS NONE OF THE TIME crowd"!

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