parusski -> RE: ok men... (7/18/2012 1:16:46 PM)
OOOPS. As the great S. Ambrose wrote in War Does Not, Never Has and Never Will Have Any Relation To Anything Political - "...never mention that politics has any place in war, despite the fact that war is politics extended. Of course one can look at Hitler's decision to enter a non-aggression pact with Soviet Russia in 1939 as one of entertainment, NOT politics, on Der Fuehrer's part. Hitler's decision NOT to recognize Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia was NOT political. Instead, those decisions were made for space exploration reasons - at least that is what is contended by the NO POLITICS NONE OF THE TIME crowd"! And now for something completely different(or not): [image]local://upfiles/191/AD3803BEF147430494FED23CD90505C1.jpg[/image]