Feinder -> RE: RE: (5/24/2008 4:13:56 AM)
You also have to figure that Gary Grigsby was originally the lead on the project (in name at least). And leant a great deal of credability it. I had the free copy of PacWar on my box and piddled with it occasionally, and was playing WW2O at the time. Somebody from my squadron mentioned that PacWar was being re-written and punted me in the direction of UV. Not to take anything from UV (an excellent game), but I always got the feeling that UV was "lets see if we prove the engine works, and then blow it up on a big scale..." So when I say 2 - 3 years, I am including the time for UV in that. Basically, they rolled out UV, and about a year(?) later, they rolled out WitP. -F-