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Fjell75 -> New player (8/8/2012 9:43:38 AM)

I just want to say "Hello" to the rest of the community :)
I am a teacher from Norway, who have some experience in ww2 games.
I bought the game some weeks ago, and are enjoing it big time so far.
At the moment I am playing around with Boot Camp missions to learn the system better :)

I have two questions:

1) When giving orders to units, is there any way to give different orders to units then the platoon command? I have noticed that if I for instance give a rush order to command unit, I can only give rush commands to the other units in the platoon.

2) Do you recommend any mods, maps or user made scenarios that enhance the experience? And where can I find those? (I have looked around on this forum, but I dont really find them. Not even in the sticky topics).
EDIT: Found some maps and stuff after a closer look :)

Thanks for a great game. :)


JMass -> RE: New player (8/8/2012 11:38:46 AM)



I just want to say "Hello" to the rest of the community :)

Welcome Anders!


1) When giving orders to units, is there any way to give different orders to units then the platoon command?

No, the command system works in this way and players (especially the Russian one) are subject to some limits.

Fjell75 -> RE: New player (8/8/2012 1:50:47 PM)

Thank you [:)]

Mobius -> RE: New player (8/8/2012 2:26:41 PM)


1) When giving orders to units, is there any way to give different orders to units then the platoon command? I have noticed that if I for instance give a rush order to command unit, I can only give rush commands to the other units in the platoon.

JMass is right you can only give one kind of order to a platoon. But some orders are more flexible than others. Some allow sub units to move or fire. different than the command element. Like, Engage. After giving the platoon its order you can then click on a sub unit and change its move path, halt it or give it a target (which also makes it halt.)

rickier65 -> RE: New player (8/8/2012 4:34:03 PM)

Welcome to the group Anders, we're glad you're enjoying PCO.

As JMass and Mobius have said, all units in platoon must use the same primary order (Rush, Advance, Engage, Defend...etc). But some of these primary orders have sub-orders. This sub order can be different withine the units of a platoon. This allows you to set up over-watch type moves, where two elements of a platoon might Have Engage --> Move order while a third element of the same platoon has an Engage --> Hold order. Also, during the reaction phase, there are other actions that can be assigned to individual units within a Platoon.

In the Maps, Models and Mods sticky thread there are several mods that players users have created.


Fjell75 -> RE: New player (8/9/2012 8:53:14 AM)

Thanx for the warm welcome, and the quick answers :)

I have continued my Boot Camp campaign, and feel that it is helping to understand the basics.

Btw...will my game be updated through the update choice in the startup menu? ...or will I have to update my game manually?

rickier65 -> RE: New player (8/9/2012 4:44:20 PM)



Thanx for the warm welcome, and the quick answers :)

I have continued my Boot Camp campaign, and feel that it is helping to understand the basics.

Btw...will my game be updated through the update choice in the startup menu? ...or will I have to update my game manually?

You should be able to update it either way. Some folks (myself included) had some trouble getting the TruEupdate to work for PCO and had to download and install the update manually.


Fjell75 -> RE: New player (8/10/2012 7:51:49 AM)

I checked the Whatsnew.pdf and it said 2.0.329f, so I guess it is the newest version. Even though the ingame readme txt was version e.

Thank you for the quick answer, mate. [:)]

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