Pipewrench -> RE: Throw me a damn bone for the love of god! :) (8/12/2012 3:03:08 PM)
If that happens blueberry I have a book you might want to read, [image]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_GrRBMt6-NvA/TBYy2Aeu6oI/AAAAAAAACgs/8WxlYua0ObQ/Soussan-BackstabbingForBeginners%5B2%5D.jpg[/image] Man, I can just feel the love [;)] Imagine hiring pirates not knowing that they are feeding information to your enemy and spreading half truth's back to you or other factions. Why?! It is due to the fact they have another empire's spy working with them and he/she brings a whole new bag of tricks and traits. Imagine, freighter routes and mining bases start having problems with missing inventory, quietly of course. You can watch as pirates attack or loot a specified freighter/base and if in visual range, watch independent transports pick up the stolen cargo and take the ill-gotten bounty back to their masters. Are they being helped? Who knows... Meanwhile behind the curtain, trades you made with a friend slowly make their way into the enemies hands or other pirate factions. Third party arms deals are the rage and your quietly in denial. Only by sheer luck an informant uncovers the problems but is it to be believed? Are the culprits the true criminals? Cloak and dagger into paranoia anyone? Will it turn you towards the dark side to get your revenge? Are you willing to stoop down into hiring pirates that preform cold war thievery? Look! Says the devil on your shoulder. "One of your neighbor's has something you desperately need and war can be so expensive. Just take the plunge down the rabbit hole and plant a spy with the pirates. A friendly direction to skim the needed resources or attack and loot a freighter would not hurt, would it? No one will know?[X(]" Naw, way too much scripting involved. Lets go back to basic trading and auto-upgrading of pirate factions.[:)]