Airfield hex Issue (Full Version)

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demyansk -> Airfield hex Issue (8/9/2012 10:00:56 PM)

This is a tough game, just got crushed at Sevastapol - Where is Manstein when you need him.

I thought it might be a good idea to make the airfield easier. It's difficult to see when you have a land unit in the hex and you are in the air mode. I understand you can go to the strategic screen but that is one extra click during the battles. Any possibility to do a little fix on this? perhaps a dark outline or something when looking at the main map?


Lord Zimoa -> RE: Airfield hex Issue (8/10/2012 4:49:59 PM)

We are updating all airfields to the new ones we made for Afrika Korps, they look better, we will offer them in a free patch.

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