What happened to Wargamer.com? (Full Version)

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U2 -> What happened to Wargamer.com? (12/10/2002 1:55:23 AM)

Did it go under? Not been able to get to their webpage for two days now.


Monkeybutt -> (12/10/2002 2:07:04 AM)

According to a message on the Usenet comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical forum,they got hacked.

Won't be up 'till Friday.

U2 -> (12/10/2002 5:23:00 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Monkeybutt
[B]According to a message on the Usenet comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical forum,they got hacked.

Won't be up 'till Friday. [/B][/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info Monkeybutt:)

CCB -> (12/10/2002 6:17:13 AM)

Yes I've read the same thing on other message boards as well. Its a shame stuff like this happens.

Sgt.Striker -> (12/10/2002 9:01:02 AM)

Lets find the peeps and bomb em, That is a worthwhile site!,probably some $#*$($ non wargamers.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (12/10/2002 7:42:08 PM)

Guess that explains it. I saw a post commenting on a mysterious reply to someone that had logged onto their site.

But this goes to show you, the establishment will never control the net, will never get rid of the net, and likely nothing Big Bill tries to do with your hardware or software will ever amount to much on the net.

Someone will just find a way to undo it.

I think this fat butted genie is staying out of the bottle folks. They might as well try to take a second stab at prohibition. They have a better chance of making that work.

msaario -> (12/10/2002 9:41:52 PM)

I wonder how the Matrix guys take care of security? It would be nasty to see anything like that to happen here, especially when you never know what the hackers might do. Usually they are just happy to replace the index file or something like that, but...

I hope the backups are done regularly here. We wouldn't want to lose the forum history, would we?


Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (12/10/2002 10:14:15 PM)

I am sure it was random, not wanting to think someone actually hates anyone at Wargamer.

But if they can do the Pentagon, they can do anyone.

Best defense against hackers, is back ups.

Frank W. -> (12/10/2002 10:20:22 PM)

those **** hackers should do some serious work or play SPWAW or H.O.I. instead wasting their time and doing
useless damage to other people :(

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (12/10/2002 11:35:06 PM)

At the very least they could help design a better AI for HoI heheh.

Frank W. -> (12/10/2002 11:51:11 PM)

cool idea, les!!

i just lost 4 or 5 divīs (incl. a very expensive) armored one in the mountains of afghanisthan due to no suppla like program said

played as persia, i have quite much oil but neither sides of 3 big alliances wanted me as ally...

i think the world market needs some tweaking,too in this game...

David Heath -> (12/11/2002 12:15:54 AM)

Hi Everyone

I talk with Mario Kroll today from the Wargamer. Yes its true they were hacked and they are currently rebuilding their site. Mario said the we expects the Wargamer to be back online by the end of the week or the weekend God willing.


Marc von Martial -> (12/11/2002 12:17:34 AM)

Man, the horror ... :(

msaario -> (12/11/2002 2:46:30 AM)

You guys are up-to-date with the patches, right? And have disabled all unnecessary services on the web server? And have deleted unnecessary files from the server (many demo files contain vulnerabilities on e.g. IIS)? And have setup the files access rights correctly, yeah? And so forth....

Just a few thoughts :D


David Heath -> (12/11/2002 10:52:05 PM)

Yes we should be fine. Wargamer was using NT4 / IIS4 and we are using Windows 2000 /IIS5

There is a posting from Mario Kroll of the Wargamer on the site and what is going on over at [url]www.militarygamer.com[/url]


Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (12/11/2002 11:08:03 PM)

You know when I read the full article of the attack it makes you sit back and think.

What I would give to have a chance with my ole rock maple stick to these guys knee caps and elbows.

There was no justification for this attack. It served no goal, it accomplished zero nothing.

I can't think of a single reason for this assault.

The perpetrators are human filth. They should be eliminated with speed and dispatch. They would serve their world best as fertilizer.

U2 -> (12/12/2002 12:42:19 AM)

Hi all...

I could not help but get quite angry myself. So sad and such a waste..and why Wargamer.com? Makes no sense at all


dpstafford -> (12/12/2002 1:09:07 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1
[B]I can't think of a single reason for this assault.

The perpetrators are human filth. They should be eliminated with speed and dispatch. They would serve their world best as fertilizer. [/B][/QUOTE]
Hey, it's just a web site. It's not like an oil-well or something was damaged. With that kind of violent over-reaction, you should be, well, an American. As for a reason for the attack, there are some who seek to punish any site that is foolishly run on Microsoft products.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (12/12/2002 2:03:40 AM)

Web site, oil rig, your green grocers vegetable stand, it doesn't matter, it was something that meant something to someone.

And you don't have to be American to hate scum.

Actually look at our military past. Need help beating up scum, Canadians will usually lend a hand. Canadians hate scum.

Fallschirmjager -> (12/12/2002 2:13:42 AM)

[QUOTE]Hey, it's just a web site. It's not like an oil-well or something was damaged. With that kind of violent over-reaction, you should be, well, an American. As for a reason for the attack, there are some who seek to punish any site that is foolishly run on Microsoft products.[/QUOTE]

Thats dumb...

Try running a website then have it hacked...
Come back and tell us "oh is doesnt matter...it wasnt anything important"

dpstafford -> (12/12/2002 2:19:00 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Fallschirmjager
[B] Thats dumb...[/B][/QUOTE]
It's called humor.......look into it.

Even so, calling for the death penalty for hackers is way over the line. They wouldn't even do that in Texas (unless they were underage, or retarded......).

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (12/12/2002 3:32:30 AM)

It might have been meant as humour dpstafford, but don't you think its a bit odd a target to make light of?

As for legally what we can do to hackers, and what I would actually like to DO to them, well yes I can agree that the death penalty is severe.

So I will just settle for beating them to a pulp, and let them die some other time.

nelmsm1 -> (12/12/2002 4:10:50 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by dpstafford
It's called humor.......look into it.

Even so, calling for the death penalty for hackers is way over the line. They wouldn't even do that in Texas (unless they were underage, or retarded......). [/B][/QUOTE]

Hey, you left out Black or Hispanic! :rolleyes:

dpstafford -> (12/12/2002 4:15:40 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by nelmsm
Hey, you left out Black or Hispanic![/B][/QUOTE]
....goes without saying.....

Ross Moorhouse -> (12/12/2002 7:48:59 AM)


Dear Readers and Friends of The Wargamer.Com,
I wanted to take a moment and communicate with you as to the current outage on Wargamer.com, PiesTactics.com, and 10-David.com, beginning this past Sunday, December 8, 2002.

Late Saturday evening we were the victim of a defacement attack by hackers, exploiting a Microsoft Front Page vulnerability. By the time we rallied staff and figured out what was going on, it was Sunday midday and significant defacement and replacement of content files had taken place and was continuing as we watched.

Despite reasonably prudent security measures and regularly applied patches, service packs, and security updates, these hackers managed to access our server and disrupt our operation during a unique window of time and vulnerability. Since we were unsure as to the exact nature and extent of the compromise, I made an executive decision to pull the server from the network immediately, taking all our websites offline, and halting the defacement.

I then engaged the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as the San Francisco-based security consulting firm, Procinct, with whom I have been working as part of my regular "daytime" job. (In an ironic twist of fate, we had planned for a full vulnerability assessment and subsequent security monitoring to start sometime before Christmas, after a much needed RAM upgrade scheduled for December 13th, 2002. They say timing is everything, and obviously ours was off this time.)

Inside a few hours, Procinct was able to determine the nature of the attack, the means of penetration, and even provide detailed information as to the identity of the initial attackers, who are apparently based in Brazil. Unfortunately hacking and web defacement is treated very casually in that country, limiting our options for criminal or civil action at this time. We are, however, continuing to cooperate with the FBI in their full investigation and will pursue every civil or criminal option that appears prudent to assist us in recouping cost and as deterrent to preventing such attacks in the future.

Procinct also provided us with very sound system-hardening advice, which we will use to completely rebuild our servers and eliminate the chance of hidden files, Trojans, or other culprits that could wreak further havoc. Finally, we will upgrade the operating system, web server versions, and system RAM for overall better performance. As soon as we feel confident the system is stable, hardened against external attacks, and monitored for security attacks and breaches, we will go back online. We tentatively plan for this to be on Saturday, December 14th.

As you can imagine, significant costs such as a loss of time and materials resulted from this attack and there is an additional level of protection now obviously needed. Since we barely got started toward our December fund-raising for donations under the honor system and our ability to sell and serve banners this week has been undermined during a critical holiday window, our financial situation is pretty tight. If you enjoy our web sites, I ask you to please help us get back on our feet quickly by contributing financially under our current honor system, once we go back online. We'll give away some free games to random donations as soon as we've rallied the wagons and restored / replaced any damaged / missing content, so we can move forward and take these life's lemons, turning them into lemonade.

There is one last item I wanted to address, since security, hacking, and financial contribution usually go hand-in-hand as a matter of concern, is how we store your financial data. The short answer is that we do not. Currently not only is all your data encrypted from our site whenever you donate through our website, but the actual financial data never enters our system and is kept within the secure servers of Authorize.net, a high quality financial institution that specializes in secure online commerce. I can say with complete confidence that all donation details of relevance have been completely unaffected by this incident and will continue to remain safe --- in fact, with our new system hardening, they will be safer than ever.

Thanks for your ongoing support and patience. If anyone is running Windows-based servers and has security concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at [email]kroll@wargamer.com[/email]. I'll be glad to put you in touch with Procinct for their consulting and security monitoring services, point you to some Microsoft security recommendations offered to me, or offer similar information, if that is helpful to you.


Mario Kroll
CEO, Publisher, and
VP of Marketing and Business Development
The Wargamer Network

Brigz -> (12/12/2002 11:31:45 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by dpstafford
Hey, it's just a web site. It's not like an oil-well or something was damaged. With that kind of violent over-reaction, you should be, well, an American. As for a reason for the attack, there are some who seek to punish any site that is foolishly run on Microsoft products. [/B][/QUOTE]

Now weren't you the one that was so concerned about losing your civil rights because of "Nazi" Bush and the Homeland Security act? Yet you seem to infer that it's okay to deprive someone of the right to free speech because they are "foolishly" using software that you don't happen to approve of. How typical. When it comes right down to it, you are only concerned about rights when it affects you, but when it comes to someone else.... who cares? To quote you again, "Hey, it's just a web site." along with, "...any site that is foolishly run on Microsoft products."

And I don't buy your "humor" excuse. What a cheap and cowardly thing to do... to write something so vitrolic and then, when confronted, say, "Hey, I was only being humorus." How hypocritical can you get? I would think someone displaying the Amnesty International logo would by a little more considerate of other people's freedoms.

BomBeer -> (12/12/2002 4:15:07 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1
[B]Web site, oil rig, your green grocers vegetable stand, it doesn't matter, it was something that meant something to someone.

And you don't have to be American to hate scum.

Actually look at our military past. Need help beating up scum, Canadians will usually lend a hand. Canadians hate scum. [/B][/QUOTE]

Beer, only good scum is dead scum.

AlBW -> (12/12/2002 11:43:13 PM)

[QUOTE]...or retarded......).[/QUOTE]

Interesting choice of words, dps.

dpstafford -> (12/13/2002 12:12:23 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by AlBW
[B]Interesting choice of words, dps. [/B][/QUOTE]
You people are freakin' psychos.......
(Which would probably spare you the death penalty even in Texas).

nelmsm1 -> (12/13/2002 2:12:23 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by dpstafford
You people are freakin' psychos.......
(Which would probably spare you the death penalty even in Texas). [/B][/QUOTE]

Well not if we could find the right judge and jury and your crime was serious enough. :p

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