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kriegmarine -> Help for air operation (8/19/2012 1:26:08 AM)

Hello, I need you for help me in an air operation I'm planning.
The Royal Air Force, is stationed in Cuttack, airport level 7, there are concentrated 134 fighters, 131 bombers and 131 reconnaissance.
Currently only made ​​some night attacks on Akyab, as their fighters do not have to provide escort range.
My intention is to attack the base with over 140 Bettys, who are stationed in Mandalay (level 7), with the support of 75 Zeros that are in Mawe (level 5) and with 96 Oscar IIa that are in Akyab (level 3)
I know that for bettys zeros and leave together, they must have the same height, but my question is:
How I can I send my Oscar in sweep mission just before my bombers attack?
That is, the operation would be, first sweep with the Oscars, to reduce its CAP, and then the bombers. Is that possible?
PD: Sorry, my english is not good

Alfred -> RE: Help for air operation (8/19/2012 2:47:59 AM)

Not possible to guarantee that a sweep will always arrive before the bombers.

The best you can do is:

1. Give a fighter unit a "sweep" mission which it will attempt to run in the morning but again there are many factors which might prevent it being run in the moring, and

2. Give bombers a "naval attack" assignment as their primary mission and set the airfield you want to attack as their secondary mission. Then if no naval targets appear in both the morning and afternoon sessions, the bombers might fly in the afternoon against the airfield.

This is why you should always give your bombers some fighter escorts.


JeffroK -> RE: Help for air operation (8/19/2012 4:26:55 AM)

Start the sweeps a day or two in advance.

LoBaron -> RE: Help for air operation (8/19/2012 8:28:21 AM)

In addition to what has already been said, altitude is a factor.

The game engine factors range, cruise speed of the formation, and time to climb to altitude, in to calculate time required to target.
If you set your sweepers at the same altitude as the strike, or lower, chances increase that it arrives before the strike. The higher you
set the sweepers, the higher the chances they will arrive late.

What you can do in addition is get the fighters to a forward base and sweep from there, this further increases the chances.

Alfreds hint with the naval attack setting is one of the most reliable ones, be aware though that it usually means that you sweep AM and strike
PM, allowing the CAP to recover in the meantime.

kriegmarine -> RE: Help for air operation (8/19/2012 9:50:52 AM)

But, if i give to the bombers a naval attack assignment as their primary mission and set the airfield you want to attack as their secondary mission, then I'm giving time for their fighters on CAP mission to recover and fly again in the afternoon. I want is for my Oscar sweep, weaken its CAP and then my bombers damaged the airfield, but not in an attack in the morning and the other one in the afternoon.
Do I understand that this is not possible?
Thanks for the answers

LoBaron -> RE: Help for air operation (8/19/2012 10:17:40 AM)

It is possible, simply by doing what I wrote in my first post - minus the naval attack part.

But be aware that these situations are influenced by many factors, and a lot of chance. So, you increase the probability by doing everything that has
been suggested, but you need to plan for the possibility of the plan failing. For example, assign enough escorts to still have cover in case the sweep arrives late.

Personally, even if the chances for the Zero´s to coordinate with the Betty bombers are a bit better, I would use the fighters the other way around.
Escort with the Oscar, sweep with the Zero. You want to kill as many planes as possible with the sweep, and the 20mm of the Zero do that a lot better than
the Oscar.

kriegmarine -> RE: Help for air operation (8/21/2012 7:25:58 PM)

The operation went perfect, the Oscar went first sweep mission, to 18000, in two waves that weakened his CAP. After, the Zeros with the Bettys, to 20000.
The enemy airfield suffered a 35% damage, losing about 30 aircraft in ground
In total 50 enemy aircraft lost, and 40 for mine, but the British have withdrawn their entire air force base.
Time won for Japanese !
Thanks for your advise

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