Anthropoid -> RE: Now is the time to capitalize on marketing for Distant Worlds (8/19/2012 11:34:23 PM)
Just to add grist to the mill of the devs/publishers minds. I was over at Paradox forums the other day. I recently (well several months back actually) got a new home machine and have been slowly getting all my old games installed. Several of which are Paradox titles, so I've been spending some time there (don't be jealous Matrix! it doesn't mean anything to me! [:D]) and at Gamersgate. Anyway, I was looking around at how they have all their threads re-arranged. It was weird to me cause after having not been on their forums for a year or more, many of their games that I considered as 'fairly recent' were no longer front page at all. I had to poke around and finally found the "Past Games" or some link to get to the forums for "Commander: Conquest of the New World" . . . which is a GREAT game btw! if no one has tried it. Sort've like the colonial New World equivalent of Distant Worlds!. I noticed that Sword of the Stars 2 was listed in their 'recent games' or something, and since I've been getting back into DW I poked in there just to see what that game was about. I imagine a lot of you are familiar with the debacle that seems to have transpired when that game launched a year or so ago. Cyber mutiny is just about the only thing I could think to describe it. I of course did not buy the game, nor was I lurking on their forums at the time and really didn't know much about it at all; so this is just me pieceing together what had transpired based on the 'paper trail' in their forums. Which actually wasn't hard to do, because about 30% of their stickied threads have titles like "Complaints About the State of the Game: Meta-Thread" (meaning a containment chamber for all complaints!). Here is one forum members response to my query about the "topline summary of the state of SotS2" quote:
It works. Patches still keep coming and fixing bugs/add new things and such. AI is still flawed (has not recieved much love but will in future I assume) so do not expect Distant Worlds experience. I would say game is still in developement phase. Game is worth to try at least and can be found really cheap nowdays, check different stores for a discount. Here is what a different forum member said in a thread comparing SotS2 with LOP quote:
LoP is more playable and complete on launch. Just really crash Prone. Seriously cant wait till some one releases an unbroken 4x. To which I responded: quote:
Matrix Games "Distant World" series. Would link to it but I seem to recall that is not permitted on Paradox forums. But, did you see that up there!? That guy is lamenting that there are "no unbroken 4x games available." Clearly he doesn't know about DW. Based on what OP said above, it sounds like Legends of Pegasus has been no less of a fizzle if not a dud? Now I know you guys are very nice gentlemen and do not like to engage in individious comparisons with your competitors, nor would you ever gloat. But let me just say, it sounds like you very well COULD justifiably gloat to your hearts content if you wanted to! [:D] All this to say: you guys (Code Force and Matrix) seem to really be in a class by yourself here when it comes to the depth, detail, balance, design, play and replayability, and 'addictiveness' of Distant Worlds.