Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (Full Version)

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Chilperic -> Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/19/2012 10:17:22 PM)

AAR of a RED Great Campaign against Southern Whites AI, Siberian WHites AI, Poland AI, Freikorps AI, Anarchist AI, Green AI, France AI, Turkish AI, Ukrainian AI and Galician AI.

Fatal Years features indeed several more independent factions than the official, only playable by AI,as they are generally secondary actors. They have all their own strategical agenda. You may ally with some ( Anarchist and Galicia factions for Reds), or fight against.

The great Campaign starts on early June 1918 and the initial situation is fairly the same than in the official, to a major exception: the battles for Baku occuring from June to November 1918 between Turkey, Reds and Whites are present in Fatal Years.

More info about the conflict and FY attempt to address it may be found:


Turkish Army is poised to capture Baku, where small Red garrison is waiting the onslaught.

Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/19/2012 10:46:42 PM)

Let’s examine more the initial situation at start for the Bolshevik player.

Few units, often of very poor quality, and almost all fixed for the first turn ( as in official version, an elegant way to portray surprise born for the unexpected surges of the Czech Legion and the Southern Whites.

In Fatal Years, Red player must from the start decide to use several options:

Options have generally a cost in Engament points, earned by victory, foreign help, etc.



I’ve chosen to get a new General ( one EP), because the Red leader pool is mostly made of less than average leaders and the rise in number of units during the game forces to get new leaders as soon as possible.

The second option is a diplomatic one, between Allied and Germany. Bolsheviks had unofficial talks will France and Great Britain, but the German presence was such a menace they concluded a new agreement with the German government during Summer 18. Concessions made ( mostly on Georgia, Baltic States and economy) allowed them to distract units from the western borders to the Volga new front.

In Fatal Years, the cost for Signing with Allied Powers is very high and the reward weak, when a new treaty with Germany is cheap and gives Red a notable boost.

More info may be read here:

Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/20/2012 12:01:01 AM)

I’ve forgotten to take screenshots of the military operations of the first turn, so I’m jumping to the end of the second turn, late June 1918.

Siberian AI has conquered about all the Red cities on the Transsiberian and Ekaterineburg, in spite of my effort to bolster the garrison with the scattered units present in Ural


On the right bank of the Volga Czech and Komuch units are roaming in the void ,as very few Red units are ready to fight in the area at start. Hence the advantage to sign a Treaty with Germany allowing units formed at Smolensk and Novgorod to be released for the Volga front, or the Southern one. Your choice.

I will develop more later on the Fatal years rules ( NOT house rules, rules implemented in the game) governing Czech Legion and Komuch.

On the Southern Front, Denikin is making real progress. If Red units have a strong numerical advantage , they are deserved by their quality, very poor for many of them, and by their leader, Sorokin.


More info about Sorokin here:

Sorokin was a fully unreliable leader, disobeying orders, murdering another Red commander, organizing a putsch against local soviet and killed in the end by his own soldiers.

If Red player doesn’t remove sorokin by an option, each turn, a part of Red units in Kuban will be fixed, a simple way to portray disorganization. however, removing him will upset Stalin, who backed Sorokin, and Stalin may be fixed for 1 to 3 turns. Stalin is at start the only 3 stras General in the South, guarding Tzaritsyn. additionally, bickering between Stalin and the Red central command ( ie Trotsky) may cause loss of a few EP.

This option resumes one of the main basic of Fatal Years: a choice has both positive and negative effects, whose importance is randomized to avoid player to be certain his choice is the best. Frustrating? For number crunchers, yes. However, you’re really like the leaders of the RCW: what you undertake may not work, forcing you to reconsider your plan. Then, the game offers much more replayability as no choice may be qualified abstractly as the best possible.

So Stalin is defending Tzaritsyn. As him you must select the priority: Baku or Tzaritsyn?


Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/20/2012 8:53:21 PM)

The economic system of Fatal Years presents some large differences with the official one, which has become totally unrealistic.
In RUS, conscripts, money and WSU is obtained mainly by the use of Regional Decisions on area. Conscription and requisition RGDs are of course present in FY too.

However, the official system limits requisition and conscription RGDs to the areas where you have at least 51% loyalty.

I’m yet today amazed to see players ready to argue on OOB, or military outcome of siege, who don’t ever one second react to this absurdity.

What signify requisition? Taking by force goods without giving nothing in exchange. Plunder in one word.So in RUS plunder is limited to the condition the majority of the inhabitants are sustaining you. Funny.

IN RCW, conscription was made mainly in the area one faction has conquered in the last weeks, simply because the transportation system was broken and recruits could be raised fast only in vicinity. Requisitions of course never asked first a poll to be certain population was backing Reds or Whites ( they would have backed 9 out of 10 times Green).

FY is giving back the original design: these RGDs may be enforced in any area military controlled, whatever the loyalty level.
Other differences had been made: Red rgds delivers more conscript, WSU and money because the most populated regions were in Central Russia, under Red control. Whites controlled regions where more sparse population and scarce resources, excepted maybe the Kuban regarding agricultural output.

The second important change are reforms rgds. In RUS all sides may from the start implement Reform rgds to bolster loyalty, as an antidote to loyalty erosion due to requisitions and conscriptions effort.

Of course, in real life, no one did such a reform, ie a land reform. Reds dreamed collective agriculture, Whites never went beyond a few and late promises.

Another unrealistic point to address.

In FY, reform rgds are available only if player chooses to turn on a policy of reform. Let’s say for the Reds a NEP 3 years before, and for the Whites a more social approach.

In brief, such a choice has a cost: you can’t reform with your left hand and plunder with the right, no? Conscriptions and requisitions don’t disappear but their number is reduced. You will have less loyalty trouble, at the price of less available resources to build your army.

The choice between alternate history and strict appliance of the historical outcome is portrayed in Fata Years.


To come back to my game, I’ve decided to use for the first weeks all requisitions and conscriptions RGDS available. I need to build fast a large army.


Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/21/2012 9:39:14 PM)

Let’s examine now the military situation at start of July 18.

A series of revolts has sparkled in my rear. Left SR at Moscow, Green and Right SR elsewhere. They cut rail between Moscow and Volga front.


In Kuban, the Disorganization of my forces due to the erratic attitude of Sorokin and poor value of most of my units is hindering my moves. To give an example, the Sorokin stack has been forced to leave behind its artillery and supply wagon, fixed this turn, to move to Ekaterinograd. I’m trying to send a small force occupy Salsk , as a future bridgehead for the Tzaritsyn forces and to threaten the White rear. In any case, these Red guards have no military value. They would overload Ekaterinograd and Novorossyisk without reinforcing them.


In the Saratov/Tzaritsyn area both Siberian and Southern White AI are active. Tzaritsyn is the best defended objective, so Chapaiev will try to beat the Komuch brigade asssieging Saratov. BTW, there’s now in FY a revolt at Volsk, one region north of Saratov like in history.


Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/21/2012 10:42:46 PM)


Red units start for the most part with very low cohesion level . The “proletarians, To Red AAR (6)” episode is demonstrating how unreliable a large Red force may show itself when faced by elite units inferior in number.

The option, representing the primacy of Trotsky’s ideas on Military Opposition emphasizing Red Guards militia, will raise randomly each turn experience of some Red units. Moreover, some leaders will be available only after the option is adopted ( these leaders being the infamous ” Military Specialists” Trotsky imposed over reluctant Bolshevik ranks). This option has a cost, immediately in NM and EPs, then randomly from time to time, representing recurrences of bickerings againstTrotsky’s reform.Last, it will cost during a few turns money and conscript losses, money figuring the organization cost, conscripts the desertion of some Red Guards preferring to strong discipline and real combat operations the civil life…Last, in the same first turns after, the cohesion of some Red units will lower, yes, lower to represent immediate turmoil in the units because of the controversy.

Another new touch of historicity, and at start more brittle Red units, and an option to play without being a no brainer as the moment will be crucial. Let’s say this option must be played sooner or later, but it could cause immediate headaches for only future good…

Red military reform option and the Fatal Years design

The military reform initiated by Trotsky is hard to simulate.

Not for the effects, ie better quality for Red units. That’s simple.

What’s difficult is such an event is a no-brainer. Which player will play without a full game? Whatever the cost of the option, any Red player will try to enforce it soon.

Giving a very high cost is detrimental for balancing, as much resources will be devoted to fulfill the conditions, and anyway it doesn’t feel right. After all, most of the negative effects caused by a great cost were created by the reform rather than the contrary. Bolsheviks were divided about this reform for ideological and personal reasons ( Trotsky being unpopular), but the crude truth was a reform was necessary and I bet it would have been done anyway a few months later, even if Trotsky hadn’t existed or if he has lost this political struggle.

So the option must be playable quickly, during the first turn. It must yet be a player choice, because an automated upgrade of units doesn’t fulfill the game axiom, which is you’re Lenin when you’re playing Reds, or the Politburo. For the sake of simulation, this remains a choice you have to make.
That’s more. We know, in retrospect , the reform was necessary and did much for the Red success. neither Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin did known. They faced the unknown and some of the arguments of the Military Opposition weren’t worthless. To simulate the conditions of this critical choice of the military reform, Fatal Years must reintroduce some of the uncertainty Politburo was confronted.

Hence the choice of negative then positive random consequences of the military options. You know the reform will reinforce your units, but you ignore exactly at which cost in NM, other penalties.

Once the option chosen, you have to cope with possible harsh results. The plan isn’t perfect as in real life. At least, each game will be different.

Large or small Army?

Bolsheviks had the choice to build either a rather small but full equipped and trained Army, or a larger one, whose a large part would be barefoot and poorly trained. They did the latter, for many reasons.
One nice side effect of the Fatal Years Military option for Red is to allow player to choose between these 2 military policies.
Each turn, a random number of units are upgraded once the military option is chosen. So, the chance for a unit to be upgraded is tied to the whole number of Red units. The less units, the greater the chances.

So, without any supplementary rule, the chain of events composing the option is recreating perfectly the 2 possible outcomes.

Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/22/2012 7:50:10 PM)

Late July 1918 : bad news everywhere


Baku : for more historical background and rules in Fatal Years:

The loss of Baku is almost unavoidable for the Reds, so that’s an expected bad outcome. I’ve lost a source for EP and some EPs due to Baku Objective value, but at least it doesn’t threaten the central area of Sovpedia.
Simbirsk: large NM loss, provoked by events. These losses may be fired when Siberian Whites occupies key towns of the Volga bend (Kazan…) and Perm.

This rule tries to address 2 problems:

- First a gameplay one: any Red player will adopt the right strategy, once you know Czech Legion will withdraw in November 18: keep few forces against Siberian and hammer with the rest the Southern Whites, yet very weak, before they may grow and come a new real threat. The strategy is sound, but kills definitely the game in the very 5 first turns.

- The second problem is a historical one: was this sound strategy historical? Mileage may vary about the possibilities of a leader in a given situation. However, considering Bolshevik Sovnarkhom to remain quiet against Siberian when panic seized Moscow ( Penza is just 700 kilometers away from Moscow) may IMO only be backed by our knowledge of real outcome, unforeseeable during the Summer 1918.

I don’t like idiocy rules, like this one. I’ve randomized the loss of NM to let Red player a chance to win with the Southern Strategy. One solution, delaying Czech withdrawal for several months, would be highly unrealistic ( even if low random factors alter Czech issue). This rule forces Red player to consider during the first turn Volga as an important theater, to choose between defend it or relinquish the Bend at high risk. This rule portrays too the panic born from the losses of Simbirsk and Kazan during the Summer.

In this game, I’ve chosen to prioritize Volga. However, My new units are yet in formation, my rear is in revolt, so the next 2-3 turns will consist to buid defense lines, accumulate soldiers and leader before counterattacking Siberians.


Trotsky will gather Red units at Cheboksary, Kazan being technically lost, when in the same time, another column will advance to take back Penza, another city possibly lowering Red NM. Chapaiev will continue to defend Saratov.


In the Siberian rear, Red forces will raid the railways


Last a Strong garrison At Perm will wait rescue


In Turkestan, I will just defend Tashkent, the only real tactics considering the weakness of my forces.

Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/23/2012 10:18:24 PM)

In the Kuban , I’m yet hampered by the Sorokin’s effect.

On a player suggestion, I’ve tried to move Kamenev in the region. Unfortunately, the real key would be to use the remove Sorokin option; alas I need 3 EPs ( Reds should get 5 by turn) , when I’ve only 2 after the loss of Baku…Next turn…I just group my best force under Kamenev command and organize as fast as possible the defense of Ekaterinodar and Novossyisk, the 2 keys for Southern Whites supply in the future.

Let’s hope Denikin will remain passive yet this turn.


Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/23/2012 10:20:53 PM)

The results of the late July turn are again grim.

In the Volga, Kazan has fallen. Moreover,Siberian White AI has checked in part Trotsky withdrawal to Cheboksary:


The coordination of the AI moves, especially the armored train flanking move, when it keeps strong garrison at Kazan and Simbirsk, is rather unexpected by me . 2 Red divisions has been blocked and are almost surrounded.

My raids in Ural theater have encountered stiff resistance.


Denikin has targeted Ekaterinodar in the South:


The only good news is the success of my offensive on Penza, the elimination of Left SR at Moscow, and last the arrival of my first new units. I've yet some turns to wait before getting more units, but at last my elite force at Moscow, the Latvian Rifles are expected on the Volga front next turn; some of my new units will first clean the rear to secure the railways.

My NM is just above 80 now.

Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/23/2012 10:27:54 PM)

The early August 1918 turn is almost as depressing than the last.

First Arkhangelsk is now under White control.

I've built a line in the Volga theater, thanks to the passivity of Siberian White AI this turn. Relative passivity, as it has captured Ufa, a key location between Samara and Ufa.


The line is anchored South on the Volga at Saratov thanks to the Chapaiev division.

If the line is yet fragile, at least Latvian Rifles have come to Cheboksary, bolstering the defense.

Remains of my 2 Red divisions are slowly but quietly escaping West (AI isn't perfect ;-) ).

The Southern Front remains a mess. yet again, I've not the 3 EP needed to remove Sorokin, Ekaterinodar is now White. Southern White AI has drawn a sort of vast Red pocket, by taking Stavropol with a minor force:


Farther north, Don Cossacks have attacked twice Balashov to cut the railway between Moscow and Tzaritsyn. My large garrison has held, at a high cost however.


My NM is now 77. I've lost objectives and I've promoted Vatsetis... Reds are lacking good Generals, most having terrible ratings. Promotion of good leaders can't be avoided, whatever the cost.


With low NM, when morale was low, troubles are coming. In RCW, units deserted often to enemy. In FY too:


This event causes losses to Red units and gives conscript to Whites.

Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/25/2012 10:47:48 PM)

Late August 1918:

My first Requissitions and conscriptions regional decisions have been achived and given melarge number of men and materials, immediatly used to build new units. They will not be ready before 3 to 6 turns, but the Red Army has begun its extension:



The second good news is the arrival of Timochenko, a Red leader without 0 rating, for free, thanks to the Bonch-Bruevich effect. Bonch Bruevich was a ex-Tzarist officer and the brother of Lenin ‘ secretary, an old Bolshevik. He was very smart to convince other officers to join the Reds, even if they opposed to Communism. Of course, Timoshenko isn’t an ex-Tzarist officer, but FY hasn’t distinguished between the different categories of Red Generals ( what a shame!).

Red have the option to replace Bonch by Vatzetis, who will amplify the military reform effect.


On the Volga, Trotsky has gathered around 30,000 men at Cheboksary but will remain passive this turn, as I’m waiting yet more units before launching a counteroffensive. I’m not easy with this decision, as my NM is yet around 70-75 and could be lowered again by the events described in precedent episodes of this AAR. However, a premature action would cost me my only elite units. Sheer numbers for Bolsheviks are almost mandatory.

In the Kuban, I’ve not yet these 3 EPs necessary to fire Sorokin; Kamenev will go elsewhere in my next game! Some of my units retreat toward Tzaritsyn, to save as much as possible; I keep a strong garrison at Novorossyisk as a desperate solution to delay the Southern Whites ( this harbor is the key to future Allied help).


Stalin and the Xth Army will chase Cossacks from Balashov to keep open the Moscow_Tzaritsyn railway.

The results are encouraging: Stalin wins my first victory:


If Southern Whites haven’t moved against Novorossyisk, the encirclement of my army has been processed further:


In the same time, the Southern Whites are covering the railway between Ekaterinodar and Tzaritsyn to prevent fast Red offensive move:


The Volga front? Quiet runs the Volga this turn. Siberian Whites have been as defensive than me this turn. Will it lasts? Or are they taking a second breath?

Chilperic -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (8/25/2012 10:51:05 PM)

Early September 18:

In the rear, the first new divisions are ready. They are filled with low quality conscripts, artillery is scarce, supply wagons are yet in formation, but I need them on the Volga ASAP. I send the most part to Saransk with Timoshenko to organize a new formation here.

From Cheboksary to Saratov, my Red forces will undertake their first offensive move. No dashing raids, for now, but a limited advance to test Siberian reaction. the 30,000 men led by Trotsky will place themselves at striking distance of Simbirsk and Kazan, hoping the AI will not garrison them.


I’ve got the number of EP to fire Sorokin, at least. Kamenev tries to extract as most as possible units toward Tzaritsyn, but the movement rate of the stack is agonizingly slow, due to low cohesion. Next game, Kamenev will go to Penza directly to command the Red army group facing Samara.


Stalin has been fixed this turn, due to infighting among Reds. Remember the 1920 episode during the Polish war…Fatal years is built on the same chaos concept than Triumph of chaos, the boardgame; not obeying orders was for all faction very frequent. The infighting events let you insecure: your leader may suddenly stop, ceasing to follow your orders, whatever the situation. I know perfectly 90% of computer players want absolute control over subordinates. It just doesn’t work for the RCW. Those believing Bolsheviks were immune because of the Party discipline are ignoring the Party was until 1921 divided in factions bickering heavily on key issues, including the military questions. It took Lenin almost 2 years to impose a real obedience of the Center over the periphery, by the wy of the so called fight against “localism”.


I’ve sent Frunze with minimal forces to capture back Vologda from rebels


The results of the turn aren’t exceptional but no major setback has been inflicted on me. Frunze has fulfilled his mission. Siberian Whites targeted Saransk but my own move has delayed their attack. I’ve taken a new defeat, but the losses are balanced


Trotsky hasn’t encountered great resistance, destroying an unsupported Czech armored train. Both Simbirsk and Kazan are garrisoned, contrary to Samara ( an AI weakness I’ve to fix…)

Sorokin has been removed. Denikin has attacked Novorossiysk and Whites are now targeting Grozny. The Southern area is lost for the Reds.

Warsage -> RE: Proletarians, to Fatal Years 1.07! (6/3/2013 10:39:00 AM)

Congratulations, nice AAR.

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