OT: The end of the human race (Full Version)

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larryfulkerson -> OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 2:40:28 AM)

Hey you guys:

I'm listening to some YouTube videos while I'm working on the moves for my game w/ Jim and I came across a documentary
that I want to share w/ you. It claims that Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology will cause a singularity where the
electromechanical robots we build will become more intelligent than us and will surpass us in every physical ability
and that they may or may not keep us humans around as pets by the year 2045. I'll be 95 years old by then if I'm still alive.

It starts here:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18

Shellshock -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 2:55:12 AM)

Yup. And according to all the doomsayers of the 1960s and 70s, we should have all been dead in a famine caused by overpopulation or freezing in a nuclear winter by now.

Doomsday sells year in and out.

wdolson -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 2:57:37 AM)

This has been a common Science Fiction theme for 50 years. The book/movie 2001 were written in 1968 and had a self aware computer. Despite dramatic advances in computing beyond even what Stanley Kubric and Arther Clarke saw back then, we do not have self aware computers 11 years after the date of that movie.

Some advances in AI intelligence have been made in recent years. However, I doubt that AI are going to take over. What's more likely is that the human race will become something more Borg-like. There have been a lot of advancements interfacing humans with computers in recent years and some people are predicting that we will be doing more electronic implants.

Another thing everyone researching AI are aware of is Isaac Asimov's robot series. The rules of robotics proposed in those books are taken seriously by those working on cutting edge AIs.

There are a lot of dangers in the future, but I'm not too worried about this one.


WO Katsuki -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 3:03:50 AM)

so they basically believe in the terminator movies?

well my house got foreclosed a couple years ago, i'm more worried about the guys who ruined our economy and sent us to iraq..

jesse ventura for president [:)]

geofflambert -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 3:14:15 AM)

Well, if they do take over, they could hardly do worse than us.

Cribtop -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 3:21:13 AM)

They better let us keep playing AE!

StK -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 3:23:38 AM)

Shouldn't the damn Maya Calender get us first? or some Meteor, or a huge sunflare, or aliens, or terrorists with nukes, or the anti-christ, or those blasted ATM machines where I have to put my hand in them and where I'm always afraid it will close and snap my hand right off? [8|]

witpqs -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 3:39:54 AM)

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Chickenboy -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 3:45:57 AM)

Yes. What the Argletonian said. Join our collective. We will add your distinctiveness to our own. Watch your futures end.

Lcp Purcell -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 5:31:49 AM)

Extreme Weather Linked to Global Warming, Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Says

(You are not allowed to post links for 7 days from the date of your tenth post.) !??!???!

The funny thing is because global warming has been allowed to advance unchecked everyone will be calling for a one world government in 10-20 years. Is this a sad coincidence or an evil plot, well your guess is as good as mine.

Chickenboy -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 5:46:48 AM)


ORIGINAL: Lcp Purcell

Extreme Weather Linked to Global Warming, Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Says

(You are not allowed to post links for 7 days from the date of your tenth post.) !??!???!

The funny thing is because global warming has been allowed to advance unchecked everyone will be calling for a one world government in 10-20 years. Is this a sad coincidence or an evil plot, well your guess is as good as mine.

Yes-my guess is that not 'everyone' will be calling for one world government in 10-20 years. I think that's neither sad coincidence, nor evil plot-just realism.

Yaab -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 6:29:42 AM)

Can't wait for a better Japanese AI! Which patch will it be? January 2044?

witpqs -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 6:30:23 AM)


ORIGINAL: Chickenboy


ORIGINAL: Lcp Purcell

Extreme Weather Linked to Global Warming, Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Says

(You are not allowed to post links for 7 days from the date of your tenth post.) !??!???!

The funny thing is because global warming has been allowed to advance unchecked everyone will be calling for a one world government in 10-20 years. Is this a sad coincidence or an evil plot, well your guess is as good as mine.

Yes-my guess is that not 'everyone' will be calling for one world government in 10-20 years. I think that's neither sad coincidence, nor evil plot-just realism.

And a good thing.

StK -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 6:32:50 AM)

Where's the causality between global warming and "one world government"?

Empire101 -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 8:10:58 AM)



Can't wait for a better Japanese AI! Which patch will it be? January 2044?

Let me just pencil that in for you.......

Lcp Purcell -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 8:30:45 AM)



Where's the causality between global warming and "one world government"?


Where's the causality between global warming and "one world government"?

well in the USA when the planet was 3 degrees warmer Celsius the great lakes were not an inter connected waterway. the Mississippi was not a navigational river, and the south was/ shall be a giant desert.

southerners around the globe will need to move north, and the north won't be as good as it once was. The USA no longer leads in green house gas emissions, so to address the problem it will take a one world government. ( which of course is a dreadful idea)

Empire101 -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 9:07:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: Shellshock

Yup. And according to all the doomsayers of the 1960s and 70s, we should have all been dead in a famine caused by overpopulation or freezing in a nuclear winter by now.

Doomsday sells year in and out.

All are frauds.

wdolson -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 9:26:45 AM)

It's human negative bias. We spent thousands of years in an environment where there were many things that could kill us at every turn. Learning to look out for potential hazards actually did pay off. So we worry about what might befall us in the future.

For people in the industrialized world, we've never been safer. Though the US and some other industrialized countries have been in small wars (relative to past wars) for the last decade, there are fewer wars in the world than there used to be. Despite some horrific crimes splashed on the news, the violent crime rate has been dropping for the last 15 years. The economy is bad, health care in the US is still overly expensive, and a lot of other ills. However, life expectancy in the developed world has never been higher and the diseases that killed most of our great grand parents (and for some our grand parents or parents) have gone from constant threats to rare, or we have come up with ways to mitigate them.

Despite things getting better in general, we still find all the flaws. I could easily name a bunch of negative things about the world that went through my head writing this that I didn't mention. The negative bias to find the flaws is active in all of us.

Doomsday scenarios are part of that negative bias. We have this niggling feeling that if things are going OK, they must be a sabre toothed tiger around here somewhere and we're its next meal. Because sabre toothed tigers are extinct (and we're not!), we scare ourselves with the dangers that could conceivably happen.


Empire101 -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 9:52:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: wdolson

It's human negative bias. We spent thousands of years in an environment where there were many things that could kill us at every turn. Learning to look out for potential hazards actually did pay off. So we worry about what might befall us in the future.

For people in the industrialized world, we've never been safer. Though the US and some other industrialized countries have been in small wars (relative to past wars) for the last decade, there are fewer wars in the world than there used to be. Despite some horrific crimes splashed on the news, the violent crime rate has been dropping for the last 15 years. The economy is bad, health care in the US is still overly expensive, and a lot of other ills. However, life expectancy in the developed world has never been higher and the diseases that killed most of our great grand parents (and for some our grand parents or parents) have gone from constant threats to rare, or we have come up with ways to mitigate them.

Despite things getting better in general, we still find all the flaws. I could easily name a bunch of negative things about the world that went through my head writing this that I didn't mention. The negative bias to find the flaws is active in all of us.

Doomsday scenarios are part of that negative bias. We have this niggling feeling that if things are going OK, they must be a sabre toothed tiger around here somewhere and we're its next meal. Because sabre toothed tigers are extinct (and we're not!), we scare ourselves with the dangers that could conceivably happen.


+1 A more courageous/robust and optimistic mindset is required for life.

Dili -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 11:14:16 AM)

"Where's the causality between global warming and "one world government"

First there is no evidence of something we can't measure when the supposed differnces are4 in .x degrees... second it is a justification to wrestle power from the nations.

LoBaron -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 2:12:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: wdolson

It's human negative bias. We spent thousands of years in an environment where there were many things that could kill us at every turn. Learning to look out for potential hazards actually did pay off. So we worry about what might befall us in the future.

For people in the industrialized world, we've never been safer. Though the US and some other industrialized countries have been in small wars (relative to past wars) for the last decade, there are fewer wars in the world than there used to be. Despite some horrific crimes splashed on the news, the violent crime rate has been dropping for the last 15 years. The economy is bad, health care in the US is still overly expensive, and a lot of other ills. However, life expectancy in the developed world has never been higher and the diseases that killed most of our great grand parents (and for some our grand parents or parents) have gone from constant threats to rare, or we have come up with ways to mitigate them.

Despite things getting better in general, we still find all the flaws. I could easily name a bunch of negative things about the world that went through my head writing this that I didn't mention. The negative bias to find the flaws is active in all of us.

Doomsday scenarios are part of that negative bias. We have this niggling feeling that if things are going OK, they must be a sabre toothed tiger around here somewhere and we're its next meal. Because sabre toothed tigers are extinct (and we're not!), we scare ourselves with the dangers that could conceivably happen.


Donīt get me wrong, I am not buying any of that Sci-Fi day-after-tomorrow-crap. It is rubbish, and the problem is that its exactly this rubbish which
- in one variant or the other - is sold the loudest.

Doomsday scenarios sell better, thats why every publicity-eager wannabe expert likes to discuss them.
But doomsday scenarios are the extreme variant of less frightening but much more likely sociopolitical collapse scenarios.

In our generation the global behaviour of humanity as a whole is one of increasingly massed exploitation of rapidly decreasing non-renewable ressources - trying to
satisfy the needs of an ever increasing percentage of total population. With the new global players China and India only in their teens from a living standard perspective,
and countries with delicate regions of immense ecological importance - like Brazil- following suit, the short to mid-term outlook for a toning down of this global spiral is exactly zero.

This very likely will not lead to a Doomsday scenario ending humanity as a whole. But I rate the chances of this leading to a partial or complete collapse of the current world order,
a globally felt economical crisis, famine in regions where the word is not yet known, wars fought over increasingly rare ressources, and a notable overall decrease of human population
as a result, pretty high.

I do not need to have a negative bias for that prediction, just deduce from current events and tendencies.

My personal bet is that the percentage of world population able to hold our current western hemisphere living standard will be only a tiny fraction in 2-3 generations.
This is why I will try to teach my child not to take the current omnipresent luxury for granted, which is pretty tough in our society based on consumption.

If this turns out to be incorrect then I am extremely happy to have been proven wrong. But those who say humanity is not very close to a very hard to stop downward
spiral is looking in the wrong direction IMHO.

Biggus63 -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 3:53:50 PM)

The Japanese will hit Pearl Harbour again, just for laughs.

RevRick -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 4:29:21 PM)

No.. that will not be the end.. We will be eliminated as an obstruction to the Pan-Galactic Super Highway.

StK -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 4:34:07 PM)

@RevRick ahh... but that still won't be the end.. the mice wouldn't like that.

Empire101 -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 6:10:13 PM)



No.. that will not be the end.. We will be eliminated as an obstruction to the Pan-Galactic Super Highway.


Grunt -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/24/2012 11:38:53 PM)

Borg-like humans will first appear in the Tour de France.

Olorin -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/25/2012 12:00:51 AM)

Haven't yet watched the documentary, but I wanted to comment.
Some civilization ending scenarios are not just sci-fi apocalyptic prophecies, they are quite plausible in theory.
A transition from Type 0 to Type 1 Civilization in the Kardashev Scale is considered the hardest evolutionary step for a civilization and it's the most likely to generate a self-destruction event. The most probable ones are a nanotechnology catastrophe and an all-out nuclear war. Since we are Type 0, I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of self-destruction in the next century.

P.S. The book "Prey" by the late Michael Crichton deals with nanotechnology going wrong...for anyone interested [:)]

bairdlander2 -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/25/2012 12:07:07 AM)



so they basically believe in the terminator movies?

well my house got foreclosed a couple years ago, i'm more worried about the guys who ruined our economy and sent us to iraq..

jesse ventura for president [:)]


danlongman -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/25/2012 12:31:00 AM)

We have exceeded the carrying capacity of this planet given the currently
available technology. So far the avoidance of nuclear war and profligate
use of non-renewable resources coupled with technological improvements
have kept us just ahead of the collapse part of the curve. If we can find
a solution to the resource problem and continue to advance technologies
to feed the multitude until population is stable and avoid nuclear war
and nanotech disaster and it doesn't get too hot too fast we are okay.
Otherwise it looks grim so we might as well develop and propagate a philosophy
that ignores the negatives and then we will be happy until it is too late.
Because why get all upset about danger when big business and free market
economies and Jesus will save us? I hope they hurry instead of just
doing the same stuff over and over again and scientists gotta stop foreseeing
all the dangers and concentrate on good stuff.

John 3rd -> RE: OT: The end of the human race (8/25/2012 7:50:16 AM)

Read "One Second After" or "Light's Out" for frighteningly plausible EMP-caused societal collapse.

Read "Patriots" for a possible variant on an Economic collapse.

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