Planetary Shields OP? (Full Version)

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Ares106 -> Planetary Shields OP? (8/24/2012 5:50:33 AM)

They negate an entire branch or research (bombardmanet weapons) and they do so 100% they force weak races to have to invade with billions of troops, especially if its the capital of a empire, which has been stockpiling defensive troops since the start of the game and to top it off it gives a bonus to defenders. There is no way to circumvent this other then invasion.

There should be some way to disable the shields from space or with special targeted assault. Or there should be some technology that overrides the shields and can do limited damage despite the shilelds.

As it stands it's too powerfull, and not only negates bombardments but the whole aspect of space fleets and controll of airspace.

jpwrunyan -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/24/2012 8:00:02 AM)

Are you sure it blocks all bombardment period? I think the description said that but I assumed it was a lie because otherwise, like you said, it seems pretty fierce. Regardless, i have never had trouble invading someone's homeworld while not using to bombardment. Bombardment is useful, but not necessary. And robo-troops are the answer to the problem of what to do when you are playing teekans.

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/24/2012 1:34:32 PM)

I would like to see the higher tier bombardment weapons bypess some planet shielding.As it stands the late tier bombardment weapons are not really worth teching it as early tier ones do enough damage.

Ares106 -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/24/2012 6:38:17 PM)

Good point. It should be like an arms race between two tech branches.

Does anyone with modding experience know a way to dissable or nerf planetary shields in the current game build?

scotten_usa -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/24/2012 8:30:14 PM)

I agree. I think Planetary Shields should delay the damage done to the world, not completely stop it. I think invading an enemy homeworld hosting 100-200 enemy troops to be impossible.

The shield should take awhile to knock down which would allow the defendants time to rush a fleet to that system.

Noble713 -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/25/2012 10:23:50 AM)

Much of Distant Worlds is inspired by Star Wars. In Star Wars, the employment of planetary shields was so effective that the Galactic Empire was forced to introduce the Death Star to overcome them. Otherwise planets could laugh at the Imperial Navy and defy the Empire with impunity.

The problem with planetary shields in DW is that they are too easy to build and maintain. Only major industrial worlds with the capability for huge power generation should be able to operate them with any degree of cost-effectiveness.

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/25/2012 3:06:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Noble713

Much of Distant Worlds is inspired by Star Wars. In Star Wars, the employment of planetary shields was so effective that the Galactic Empire was forced to introduce the Death Star to overcome them. Otherwise planets could laugh at the Imperial Navy and defy the Empire with impunity.

The problem with planetary shields in DW is that they are too easy to build and maintain. Only major industrial worlds with the capability for huge power generation should be able to operate them with any degree of cost-effectiveness.

There is a way round this in the policy modding.You can force all the A.I empires to not build them at all or only make them build it at a high population world.

This is the default.

ColonyAllowFacilityPlanetaryShield ;Y
ColonyFacilityPopulationThresholdPlanetaryShield ;2000

Pipewrench -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/25/2012 4:53:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: Noble713

Much of Distant Worlds is inspired by Star Wars. In Star Wars, the employment of planetary shields was so effective that the Galactic Empire was forced to introduce the Death Star to overcome them. Otherwise planets could laugh at the Imperial Navy and defy the Empire with impunity.

The problem with planetary shields in DW is that they are too easy to build and maintain. Only major industrial worlds with the capability for huge power generation should be able to operate them with any degree of cost-effectiveness.

Totally agree with you. It would be nice if the planetary shield would have to use a fuel source that has to be mined. The draw the shield needs would put a time limit on use and create blockading tactics.

ehsumrell1 -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/25/2012 5:02:11 PM)

Or even more....have Elliot develop two new skills for the Intelligence Agent role.

Sabotage Planetary Shield [sm=00000028.gif]

{Where, similar to 'Steal Operations Map', the Planetary Shield becomes inactive for a short period of time}

Destroy Planetary Shield [sm=00000959.gif]

{Where, similar to 'Destroy Base' [Then set target base], a specific Planet's Shield can be destroyed.)

Think I'd better put these into the Master Wishlist and Developmental List [:D]

Ares106 -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/25/2012 5:54:38 PM)




ORIGINAL: Noble713

Much of Distant Worlds is inspired by Star Wars. In Star Wars, the employment of planetary shields was so effective that the Galactic Empire was forced to introduce the Death Star to overcome them. Otherwise planets could laugh at the Imperial Navy and defy the Empire with impunity.

The problem with planetary shields in DW is that they are too easy to build and maintain. Only major industrial worlds with the capability for huge power generation should be able to operate them with any degree of cost-effectiveness.

There is a way round this in the policy modding.You can force all the A.I empires to not build them at all or only make them build it at a high population world.

This is the default.

ColonyAllowFacilityPlanetaryShield ;Y
ColonyFacilityPopulationThresholdPlanetaryShield ;2000

Nice! This is exactly what I'm looking for.
Plase let me know what file you find that in. I'm guessing changing that "Y" into a "N" would fix the problem.
Off cuorse I will also not built any shields myself.

Also those are some great suggestions ehsumrell1

ASHBERY76 -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/25/2012 6:00:01 PM)

You would have to mod each races policy file in C:\Matrix Games\Distant Worlds\Policy.

Haree78 -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/25/2012 6:51:42 PM)

Personally I feel bombardment is too powerful in game. Funny how other peoples mileage varies so much [:D]

jpwrunyan -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/27/2012 2:22:18 AM)

I still say invading is not so difficult. Two capital ship size carriers will hold 100's of troops. You just have to recruit them. And pay for them of course. Not difficult in the late game. Just sell tech to the empire you are about to invade. They fund their own destruction.

scotten_usa -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/27/2012 4:42:59 PM)



Personally I feel bombardment is too powerful in game. Funny how other peoples mileage varies so much [:D]

I think Elliott has played around with bombarding with various patches. I've noticed than bombardment has 1) Killed many population and many troops, 2) Killed few population and many troops.

jpwrunyan -> RE: Planetary Shields OP? (8/28/2012 2:41:02 AM)

Latest patch bombardment kills more troops than previously.

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