Fatal Error 999 (Full Version)

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pad152 -> Fatal Error 999 (8/24/2012 6:49:17 AM)

I'm installing my original 1.00.79 version of WITP AE on a new Windows 7 PC and keep getting a Fatal Error 999 when I try to run it. Even after updating it with the latest patch. My other Matrix games that I've installed so far work fine.

I tried multiple re-installs, various switch combos (-SingleCpuOrders –cpu2 –multiaudio -dd_sw, etc.), renamed the sound directory, shutting off UAC, Anti-virus, firewall, WinXp Compatibility mode, logged in as admin, etc, etc. I've opened a trouble ticket but, after a week now all I get is try installing again.


1. Any one running WITP AE on an I-core 3770 processor?
2. Any specific issues with Win7 pro?
3. Can the 1.00.79 version of WITP AE be updated correctly with the latest 1108r9 patch?
4. How can I verify I have the right version of Microsoft Visual C++ redistributables for WITP AE?
5. Anything else to try?

I just installed my original 1.0 version of WITP and that works fine but, not WITP AE?

Sardaukar -> RE: Fatal Error 999 (8/24/2012 9:30:12 AM)

Did you install as Admin?

Old WitP forum advice was that one should check if AV has removed witprec.exe (donno if AE has this file).

This won't help, but is funny explanation:



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