WoodMan -> RE: Few Questions (8/27/2012 10:41:37 AM)
At original poster: Interesting questions and thread, some oddity here and some easy answers for you too: 1. How is the fleet leader decided/changed? What determines which ship is the leader (with the star)? Is your fleet admiral character always in the ship with the star? You can change the lead ship of a fleet. Simply select a ship that is part of the fleet, right-click on it and choose "Make lead ship of fleet". The ship has to already be part of the fleet before you perform this action, otherwise the option will not be available. Your admiral will always appear upon the lead ship of a fleet when you assign him/her. However... there *may* be an issue where your admiral does not change ship when you change the lead ship. To get him/her onto the lead ship again simply re-assign him to the same fleet in the character window, the change should be instant. 2. So big blue stars mean refueling base, not necessarily a colony, so you can establish such a base without a colony ...what is such a base called (just a right click on a gas giant to establish?). A blue circle with a white barrel inside it portrays a refueling location. This is a location at which your ships can refuel. It is any base which has enough fuel in its storage to refuel your ships. It can be a planet, a spaceport, a mining base and anything else too... I *think*. I have even had my ships refuel at defensive bases. You do not establish these yourself, they just happen where the fuel is available. The most common places for these to occur are colonies, gas mining stations (where the fuel is mined) and spaceports (where all your goods travel through). The only way to get more, is to make fuel more abundant in your empire, in otherwords, mine more. It can be smart to set up mining stations in all sectors of your empire to make fueling for ships on the go a less lengthy journey. Don't forget, you can also deploy a resupply ship at a gas giant or gas cloud which has the right type of fuel for your ships, a mobile refueling port of sorts. 3. I assume you can change the capital or something also, is it best to send ambassadors/leaders to certain colonies (leader in capital, ambassadors at edge of territory). Yes you can change your capital. I have never done this and I can not recall how to do it off of the top of my head. I think the option is probably available in the colony screen somewhere. You can also set regional capitals once you have researched the relevent technology. The purpose of this is to lessen corruption, which occurs at greater levels the further you get away from your capital. Ambassadors are assigned to a capital of any race. So if you want to deal with for example, the Ugnari Syndicate, send your Ambassador to their homeworld (you will only have the option to send it to their homeworld, not any other of their worlds). To be able to do this, you must have discovered their homeworld either through trading maps or exploration. Your colony governers impact the colony that they are present at. So, look at their stats and see what they do and then put them on your colony that you think those stats would benefit the most. For example +growth? Put him on a growing colony not a maxed population colony. 4. I bought an enemy to be's territory map and galxy map to try and pin-point where they were, unfortunately their colony was still hidden to me, why is this ...I can see the position of other civilisations in the diplomacy screen (I was going to place an embargo after they ceased trade). Okay, quick tip. When you buy a map, the changes don't appear immediately in the diplomacy screen, you need to close it and re-open it for the update to take place. I *think* this was actually fixed in a patch sometime recently but it is still not reliable. However, the changes should take place pretty much immediately on the main galaxy map (as soon as your processor can handle I guess). I'm thinking here you either made a mistake and bought the wrong empires map, or are just not looking hard enoug, or have encountered a bug (one I have never encountered)! hehe [:D] 5. Would cycling through construction ships or ship yards allow you to determine the position of mining bases? I had a low level of polymer, I did find a resource but was unable to determine when it would be complete until it was complete... it would be better if I could gauge the progress on critical mining infrastructure. There are several ways to find your mining bases, although in the end you will end up with so many every way can be confusing! 1) On the left hand side of screen, the vertical list of buttons, one is all your mining bases. When you hover your cursor over one of your mining bases here it is pinged with a yellow circle on the map. So, zoom out so you can see your whole empire and hover the cursor over to see the location in your empire. You can also select the mining base and zoom to it from here. 2) Open the ships and bases screen (one of the buttons on the top menu) and select mining bases from the drop-down box. This will list your mining bases. Orange names mean incomplete, red names mean damaged. 3)In the expansion planner change the left drop down to "your mining locations" or "your resource locations" (not sure of the correct wording). This will list all of the locations from which resources come in your empire. So, if you wanted to find all polymer you could then use the resource drop down list to view only polymer. You can then select a location and zoom to it by pressing the "zoom to location" button. Phew! Hope that helps!