RavenX -> RE: Wing Commander (3/16/2013 12:22:46 AM)
ORIGINAL: Kalthaniell RavenX - if you think any of the stuff I made could fit in the mod you are describing, please feel free to use them. No credits required really :) I'd help you guys with artwork but I have my hands full atm :[ Anyways, I'm looking forward to see a Wing Commander or a megamod here. Thanks Kal :) , I'm already using a bunch of your killer shipImages in my theme as you've done half the races I want in my game. Between you, the awesome Star Trek and Star Wars mods, and the awesome Battlestar Galactica mods, there's really very few ship designs left I would need for my Ultimate Sci-Fi wars. The Kilrathi and the Confederation from WC are two I still need though if I'm going to include them. It's also disappointing to learn (in another thread) that it looks like I won't be having giant Borg Cubes or Death Stars in my theme which I was hoping to make appear to be the size of a large starport in game but obviously move at the speed of a starship :( . Even with your permission I'd need at least 3 other modders permission to release my theme when it's done and one of those is LordXorn who seems to be MIA, which would mean I couldn't get his permission to re-package his shipImages. Being a modder my-self I'd never re-package someone else's work without first asking them and then of course giving them credit in asset creation in my theme. quote:
ORIGINAL: Igard Hi RavenX, You can change the preferences of a race's ship building in their corresponding policies file. If you look at a policy file you'll see these lines (around the 25th line) :- ConstructionMilitaryCapitalShip ;7 ConstructionMilitaryCarrier ;8 ConstructionMilitaryCruiser ;15 ConstructionMilitaryDestroyer ;20 ConstructionMilitaryEscort ;18 ConstructionMilitaryFrigate ;24 ConstructionMilitaryTroopTransport ;8 The numbers are percentages (so they should always total 100). So here for example the empire with this policy will build 20% destroyers. You can't however change the costs of components like fighter bays. Would love to be able to do that though! Also, the fighter and bomber designs are really only determined by the tech tree and the fighters are fitted accordingly automatically. Hope that helps. [:)] Thank you, Igard :) . Some of your excellent work is going into my theme as well :) . Sadly when I stated the above about my ideas for the Confederation and Kilrathi I didn't know we couldn't mod tech components. I was thinking we could just give those races another version of Fighter Bays which would be cheaper than normal and have a slightly larger capacity each for fighters. Is there at least a way to tell a race what components and at what percentages to use those in designs? Or perhaps make a new base design for a specific race as the AI already designs ship with certain components on them. We could give the Kilrathi and Confed higher priorities in building carries and design ships for them with less armor or other weapons to make room for having more standard fighter bays.