Research station won't retrofit? (Full Version)

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Bleek -> Research station won't retrofit? (8/30/2012 1:13:17 PM)

Odd one, I've created an 'armed' research station.

I've clicked on my High Tech station and there's a retrofit button, I click it, nothing happens?

I have sufficient funds.

Any ideas? [&:]

WoodMan -> RE: Research station won't retrofit? (8/30/2012 1:39:55 PM)

Have you tried right-clicking it and seeing if there is a retrofit to specific design option there?

Bleek -> RE: Research station won't retrofit? (8/30/2012 2:00:38 PM)

No it doesn't give me a right-click option to retrofit.

It shows me the retrofit button in the bottom left panel though?

The revised design doesn't have any warnings or issues that I can see and saved fine.

Pipewrench -> RE: Research station won't retrofit? (8/30/2012 2:28:43 PM)


I was under the impression that you could only retrofit a base if it was below a colony.

Strange I never noticed that button before Bleek and yes it does not accept the retrofit order in the selection panel. Retrofit is disabled also in the ships or bases screen.

Bleek -> RE: Research station won't retrofit? (8/30/2012 2:42:02 PM)

Glad it's not just me then!

I guess I have to dismantle/destroy and re-build it.

Modest -> RE: Research station won't retrofit? (8/30/2012 3:06:54 PM)

Pipewrench is right - You can retrofit only those stations which are built over Your own colonies. Even if others stations have the option "Retrofit" You still may not use that. Or better said - You may use that button but he will do nothing. Scraping such base and building a new one is the only way You may retrofit it (the way You did).

Apheirox -> RE: Research station won't retrofit? (9/1/2012 3:22:42 PM)

It wouldn't make sense if you could just retrofit it simply by ordering it to do so. A retrofit means you are changing components, and components cost resources. A research station isn't carrying any resources. A retrofit would require the aid of a construction ship, at the very least, regardless of whether you have sufficient cash or not.

Bleek -> RE: Research station won't retrofit? (9/1/2012 3:27:09 PM)

Well the button for retrofitting is there so one would assume it queues a construction ship but it doesn't.

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