witpqs -> RE: Introducing Intel Monkey (Another New Version: 0.4.1b) (4/27/2017 5:59:36 PM)
ORIGINAL: Chris H quote:
ORIGINAL: witpqs I've got to head out now, I'll check in later. Meanwhile, check a couple of things. - Without changing anything it wants to be in a certain place so it knows how to navigate to find the files. Make sure it is in your AE folder (whatever your installation is called, I'll refer to it here as "AE" for short), under: "AE\tools\anyname" - It needs files to read. Look and see they are there. Look in: "AE\SAVE\archive" - The report files only get saved there if you are using the switch "-archive" in your shortcut. The path I use is C:\Matrix Games\WitP AE. Everything else is correct. Then, for example, you would install Intel Monkey in: "C:\Matrix Games\WitP AE\tools\IntelMonkey" (The last part of the folder name could be different as you like, I just chose "IntelMonkey" for this example.) Intel Monkey would then be correct in using it's default setting to go 'up' two levels to "C:\Matrix Games\WitP AE", then 'down' a level to "C:\Matrix Games\WitP AE\SAVE", then down another level to "C:\Matrix Games\WitP AE\SAVE\archive" to find the report files. Have you looked in "C:\Matrix Games\WitP AE\SAVE\archive" to see if the report files are present there?