SWIE-plane reallocation (Full Version)

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32deuce -> SWIE-plane reallocation (9/6/2012 12:16:24 AM)


Is there an issue with moving planes(which cant be delivered by ship) to Britain?


Wolfe1759 -> RE: SWIE-plane reallocation (9/6/2012 11:15:13 AM)

You probably need to try the rebase function, see here http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3174734

32deuce -> RE: SWIE-plane reallocation (9/6/2012 11:11:11 PM)


I understand rebase, but im wondering if this excerpt from a review is correct or not.

"There are also problems with the U.S. getting help to Great Britain once they join the war. Land units are moved over the ocean using sea transport, and this works fine (provided German subs are not sinking the ships). But aircraft can’t be shipped by sea; they have to re-base from North America to Britain. The only valid place for this I can find is the single hex in British North Ireland, and re-basing aircraft there results in their getting stuck because they’re out of supply. There’s no real way to shift American airpower to Britain in significant numbers as it was really done; this makes no sense in a game that gets so many details right."

Is this reviewer correct about only rebasing in Ireland? This excerpt is from AVAULT site.


Wolfe1759 -> RE: SWIE-plane reallocation (9/6/2012 11:59:43 PM)

Just fired up a 1942 scenario as the Allies to try things out.

I was wrong, rebasing doesn't work - you can rebase from the US to Canada but not over the Atlantic, it looks like rebase is not possible across a sea hex.

Tried Strategic Redeployment and this worked for the US Fighter unit allowing it to redeploy to any vacant hex in the UK, I put it just North of London.

However I couldn't redeploy US Bomber Command (the Tac Air unit) as even though I was showing as having 8 SMPs (and then 9 in the following turn) the Strategic Redeploy button when US Bomber Command was selected was greyed out and unavailable because (from the tooltip) of insufficient SMPs.

Either I'm not understanding it correctly (quite possible) or something is not working right.

P.S. very pedantic point from the quote of the review - its Northern Ireland and its not British

32deuce -> RE: SWIE-plane reallocation (9/7/2012 9:46:25 AM)

Thanks for the responses Wolfe.

Hopefully a Dev will comment on how to redeploy to England. It would be a significant overview if U.S. bombers couldnt redeploy to England.

doomtrader -> RE: SWIE-plane reallocation (9/7/2012 10:31:16 AM)

I think the best option to move units from USA to Europe is to strategically redeploy them.

Wolfe1759 -> RE: SWIE-plane reallocation (9/7/2012 11:44:48 AM)

How many SMPs does it take to redeploy a Tac Air or a Bomber unit ?

Can't find the answer anywhere in the manual.

doomtrader -> RE: SWIE-plane reallocation (9/7/2012 1:01:08 PM)

8, 10, 15 PP

32deuce -> RE: SWIE-plane reallocation (9/7/2012 11:25:15 PM)

Ok. So it seems Wolfe was only 1 pp away from relocating bomber to england then.

Thanks for the response Doom.


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