Haree78 -> RE: Shakturi (9/17/2012 6:00:08 PM)
SPOILER alert don't read if you want to keep the Shakturi mechanisms a secret for you to work out. I advise you don't read this until you have played the game a lot. There are 2 triggers, a specific beacon, not all of them, and time. Either trigger will work. The time is based on research speed. There is also a stalling mechanism, if the beacon trigger is hit and there hasn't been enough time yet (and possibly it checks the galaxy tech level, I can't remember if that is still the case) it will stall the invasion for a while. On slower research speeds people are often beating the game before the time trigger occurs. The other reason people aren't seeing the Shakturi is that the specific beacon isn't hit. It's possible if the beacon is on a particularly uninteresting planet that explorers will never get in range to investigate the ruins, this is because resource exploration range is further than ruins and resources can be found out while approaching another planet in the system and so they never need to go near them. This combined with Galaxy map swapping and sharing with Mutual Defence Pacts often can mean they will never trigger. I wont reveal which beacon, I will leave that a mystery at least. PM me though if it's spoiling your fun never seeing them.