jpinard -> RE: Fixed racefile for Atuuk (everyone grab) (9/19/2012 6:05:11 AM)
ORIGINAL: jpwrunyan Thank you, I will update the wiki accordingly. EDIT: Actually, not everything is ok. I want to confirm this as well: Other Ursidian races share preferences towards Atuuk also right? Atuuk like Ketarov and Ikurro. Ketarov and Ikurro like Atuuk? Also, colony policies affect Atuuk as though they are Rodents, right? So if I am playing Teekan and I set my colonies to exterminate aliens from non-Rodent races, the Atuuk are safe, but the Ikurro and Ketarov are not? hehe, this reads like a "Who's on first?" skit.