Empire101 -> RE: Ships that Never Sailed (9/27/2012 9:20:16 PM)
ORIGINAL: Dili Thankyou for the correction.... so they have contributed nothing then. Thank you for for showing your ignorance about a country. Ok, I apologise that I know very little about Switzerland. You still have not answered the question though.... quote:
The banks have absolutely nothing to do with the current economic crisis in the West. I will immediately telephone the Bank of England, and Switzerland, to reassure those greedy, smug, and legally untouchable bankers that international capitalism is NOT responsible for enslaving half of Europe, and for the other half who have lost their jobs. Typical disingenuous, you liked very much the credit bubble, that is why you are crying for it to come back. The nice results of it not the present payback time. Now that is shown once again that after all in the long run we are all not dead and we have to pay you choose to blame the banks your "compagnons de route". Since you have to blame someone, who is better than those that are easy to blame. Yep you follow: Please don't turn this into a personal attack. A total sense of humour failure by the look of things. I hate credit, and apart from my house, I save up for items and then buy them. I give as little of my hard earned cash to banks. And what exactly does 'in the long run we are all not dead etc' actually have to do with the discussion? quote:
Now who was it who warned us all about international capitalism in the past? Coming from you, no surprise about that part. Those that want the cake and also to eat it have that common cause. I'm too much of a gentleman to rise to this type of bear-baiting and thinly disguised personal attack ( again ).