Peltonx -> RE: The War for Survival - M60A3TTS vs Saper222 (no Saper) (11/2/2012 1:09:52 AM)
ORIGINAL: Michael T Why doesn't he just play some server games? That would allay any concerns people have. Apart from protecting myself against being cheated, playing on the server protects you from suspicion when you are successful. Also when players such as Pelton, myself and others have had such astonishing rates of advance we were quite open about how it was acheived, whether it be muling, chaining, mega air supply or what not. If you find a bug or loophole that grants super human powers to one side or the other (as I did with the mega air fuel exploit) you should disclose it. Otherwise its just like stealing candy from a baby. What glory is there in that? Not to mention simply making a better game for all to enjoy. I have been more then open about stuff, I post just how to do x-y and z, Its gets nerfed I bitch, but the game gets better and better over time. Why would any new guys play if there is an insane loop hole in the system? Why would anyone in there right mind spend 5 cents on WitW if its going to be a filled with loop holes 2by3 doesn't seem to care at all about. Does 2by3 even test this stuff out at all? I would think 2by3 would get to the bottom of stuff like this asap, because it just makes them look really silly as far as the game engine goes. If the system can be gamed so easly what makes poeple think witw will be any different? Stuff like this has more to do with 2by3's reaction more then anything. Do they care at all that someone is going east faster then before 1.06.13? Basicly 1.06.13 is usless? I would like to get to the bottom of it asap so the game is fair to both sides, but the real question is does 2by3 care at all? If the game engine is fine then 2by3 needs to speak up and say this **** is not possible or we really screwed up and need to fix it asap. In the end its 2by3's coin, if they don't care. Then don't expect poeple to run out and by witw if this is how they are going to react to something that a clear cheat or a uber exploit. In this case silence is not golden, its just plain [sm=sign0003.gif]