merging SHC units? (Full Version)

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Peltonx -> merging SHC units? (9/23/2012 12:07:24 PM)

Is there some magic to it?

Some units merge and other will not, tank brigade for example.

None have moved, but some merge and some will not when i try forming a divison, why?

Same goes with infantry and I have same issue forming cav corps.

I spend hrs tring differne things and there seems to be no set way to merge units. Some will and some will not.

Michael T -> RE: merging SHC units? (9/23/2012 12:36:13 PM)

If the act of merging takes them over the assigned TOE they won't merge.

carlkay58 -> RE: merging SHC units? (9/23/2012 1:08:53 PM)

Also make sure that you are following the latest rules on building the larger units. I don't think the Rifle Corps and Division was ever corrected - both occur in April 42 while the documentation states MUCH earlier for both.

Peltonx -> RE: merging SHC units? (9/23/2012 6:41:02 PM)

Thanks guys

Schmart -> RE: merging SHC units? (9/23/2012 8:06:46 PM)

Naval INFANTRY Brigades cannot be used for any building up. When merging two of the same units (ie: Rifle Div into Rifle Div) IIRC one of the units must be below 50% TOE. I've never had any issues with Cav Corps. Don't know what could go wrong there, other than not having any MPs left. Some screen shots might help.

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