Alfred -> RE: Grave mismatch between Combat Summary and the Combat report? (10/8/2012 12:39:58 AM)
That raises a couple of interesting points. 1. If the enemy truly achieved a 2:1 adjusted ratio that should drop the forts level back to zero which would engineer the retreat. 2. Unlike a base, where the base fortification level applies to every unit, irrespective of how long it has been present, out in the field every unit acquires its own fortification level. It is therefore quite common to find in the same field hex, some units with zero, others with 1, others with 2 and so fortification levels. When you say they had at least a level 1 fortification level is that comment made on knowing exactly each individual unit's fortification? What I am particularly intrigued in is the possibility that some of your units individually were forced to retreat but others were not. Normally it is one or the other with the benefit usually going to remaining on the battlefield if any unit survived the adjusted odds. The other thing of course is the different casualties inflicted between the two reports. Which suggests to me that the answer to your query lies somewhere deep in the firepower algorithm. Certainly something for michaelm to look into, if he has the time of course.[:)] Alfred