Deputy -> RE: Question on campaigns (10/16/2012 4:26:07 PM)
Okay, here is the Chardesc.txt for the Central front: -1 Operation Barbarossa - Central 0 1 410622 450507 1 It is the 22nd of June, 1941, and the German Wehrmacht is launching its Blitzkrieg invasion of the Soviet Union. Army Group Center, commanded by Field Marshal Fedor von Bock and comprising 51 divisions including nine panzer divisions, attacks from East Prussia and German-occupied Poland. Its main objectives are the rapid destruction of the Soviet forces opposite it, the capture of Minsk, Smolensk and ultimately Moscow. Defending opposite Army Group Center is the Western Special Military District of 36 - including ten tank - divisions, under the command of Gen. D.G. Pavlov. Where in this is the beginning date???