Rainer -> RE: Patch 07 unofficial data scen updates (10/16/2012 8:44:27 PM)
EXE File "AEdataUpdateS1.exe" (after renaming from ZIP) installs the files into the root folder of AE, in my case "J:\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition". It should install the files into the sub folder SCEN, in my case "J:\Matrix Games\War in the Pacific Admiral's Edition\SCEN". People not aware of this will not enjoy the changes, and may not even notice. To correct: Make the exe file either install the files directly into the right folder (SCEN), or let it install the files into a temp folder and move the files manually to the SCEN folder overwriting the original files. In any case heed Andy's advice to back up the SCEN folder before installing the changes. To check: if you load the game and a saved game a message should pop up asking "Add data base changes to this official campaign (#1)? YES/NO" Only if answered with YES the data base changes are applied.