Shark7 -> RE: Missiles (10/21/2012 1:23:24 AM)
ORIGINAL: JeffK quote:
ORIGINAL: Shark7 quote:
ORIGINAL: JeffK Thanks for the link Alfred, better than the mysterious comments and "PM me" approach of some. This confirms my use of AtG rockets, I allowed each aircraft type 2 salvos of rockets and really bad accuracy. Given that it was possible to recreate the Bat "bomb", has anyone any ideas on how to add the "Loon" (US V-1) First off, I agree with the whole cryptic thing, its really annoying. Personally, if I learn something, I'll just share it with the community. On the JB-2 Loon, I've gotten some ideas, the only thing is I really have no idea how to set up the penetration for a missile. Is it more or less than a gun? As far as accuracy and warhead, those are rather easy. The JB-2 had an accuracy of 0.25 miles when fired at a target 100 miles away...translated, if you launched it at a land target 100 miles away, the missile would land within 1/4 of a mile of the target. Max range is 150 miles (264 in editor settings). Effect should be 2000 given the JB-2s 2000 lb warhead. You would assume that the JB-2, if used against a ship would easily penetrate (or at least if not penetrate massively damage) even a BB. The real question is, given the state of the technology in 1945, was it capable of engaging a ship? The only references I have to its proposed use was saturation bombardment of Japanese defenses on the Home Islands. Of course with the newest beta giving us the ability to define different payloads for different missions, then this becomes less of an issue as you can assign the JB-2 Loon to bombers carrying out ground attack or city attack missions, but use standard bombs for the Naval Interdiction mission. JB-2s were also successfully launched from ships and submarines, and there could lie a problem. If there were not capable versus ships, but you add them to ships, the game will likely use them against ships anyway. I dont believe it was capable of the accuracy needed to hit shipping , it was basically a V1 built in the USA. I've got/read something about the number proposed to be used. Its a pity there isnt a SSM weapon type. But if you approach it the same as the LST(R) would they be limited to shore bombardment?? Another trial I did was not linking the effect to bomb weights 1:1, most fillings were around 66% of weight with AP closer to 25-30%, did something towards limiting the effect of what I saw as too accurate bombs. From what I've read, the JB-2 HE weight was 2000lbs of TnT. The overall weight was 5000 lbs (2300 kgs). The navy did use it, but only as a guided missile test vehicle. Though prior to the end of WWII there was a plan to launch them from escort carriers (I assume in the land attack/shore bombardment role). Anyway, I've worked up a possibility (though it may need lots of tweaking). I'll post a screenshot of it in the editor at the end of the post. And, I just had to laugh so figure I'll share given what happened in here this afternoon. I ate dinner at a Chinese restaurant and got my fortune cookie which read: 'If you tempt a squirrel with a nut, be prepared to be bitten.' I got a good laugh out of that... Guess I'm a rabid squirrel after all, watch out cause I'll bite your fingers and toss acorns at you. [:'(] [image]local://upfiles/25927/FEFEB7D95F234FCEAF0B0D1D41D7144F.jpg[/image]