Pompey v Caesar Questions (Full Version)

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SteveD64 -> Pompey v Caesar Questions (10/23/2012 6:50:17 PM)

1). I've been starting and restarting this scenario as I learn the game, playing as Pompey. The first couple of turns are scripted- Pompey heads over to Greece then decides to go east or west. The player doesn't have to move him, he just teleports. Question: is the fall of Syracuse also scripted? I had a nice size garrison that was attacked and the result was Stalemate. The next turn Syracuse fell without a fight. Did the AI play Treachery or will Syracuse fall regardless of what Pompey does?

2). When you buy propaganda when does it take effect? Immediately or sometime in the future?

I am enjoying this game a lot so far. [:)]

BohémondAJE -> RE: Pompey v Caesar Questions (11/1/2012 5:59:34 PM)



1). I've been starting and restarting this scenario as I learn the game, playing as Pompey. The first couple of turns are scripted- Pompey heads over to Greece then decides to go east or west. The player doesn't have to move him, he just teleports. Question: is the fall of Syracuse also scripted? I had a nice size garrison that was attacked and the result was Stalemate. The next turn Syracuse fell without a fight. Did the AI play Treachery or will Syracuse fall regardless of what Pompey does?

2). When you buy propaganda when does it take effect? Immediately or sometime in the future?

I am enjoying this game a lot so far. [:)]

Sorry for the delay, I miss your post.

Point 1 ;

Fall of Sicilia is a scripted Event under condiitons of units (Pompey and Casear sides) in Sicilia.

Point 2

Propaganda take effect after turn processing.


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