denisonh -> The experienced rookie: Denisonh(A) vs Dan Nichols(J) (10/28/2012 4:49:34 AM)
Gents, This is my 2nd solo PBEM with WitP-AE (my first ended with my opponent disappearing in Jan 42). I am an old UVer and plank owner for WitP getting my copy at Origins (and started my first PBEM 5 days afterwards going to April 43 the first go round). Engaged in a number of WitP PBEMs although never got past late 43 in any of them. I am tactically sound and proficient with surface naval forces, a capable logistican, competent with my LBA, and good enough with my CVs. My issue is with land combat and that brings me to the primary reason for starting this AAR: China. I am looking for "expert" advice for China and any other aspect of the game as approriate. Welcome questions, thoughts, suggestions, and observations on tactics, strategy, and playing style. I see my opponent, who is experienced and skilled, has started an AAR to get some expert advice so reckoned I should do the same. As for my China strategy, my initial thoughts are to "run for the woods" based on reading through a number of AARs, but really am looking for some tips on key lines of defense, logistics, and distribution of forces, as the South seems a bit light and will need reinforcing as well as the North. In all but one of my WitP PBEMs I got smacked around in China so I am formulating my strategy for China and working it the first turn to try and avoid that outcome this go round. Here are the ground rules we established for the game given we will play a historically plausible style of game. : DaBigBabes 28B v11 Settings: Realism FoW ON Advanced Weather Effects OFF Allied Damage Control ON Player Def. Upgrades ON Historical First Turn OFF December 7th surprise ON Reliable USN Torpedoes OFF Realistic R&D ON No Unit Withdrawls OFF Reinforcement 15day+/- / 15 day =/- Set All Facilities to expand at start OFF Automatic upgrade ships and air groups OFF Accept Air and Ground replacements OFF Turn Cycle 1 House rules: 1. CAP and Sweep max altitude is second best maneuver band 2. Pay PPs to change restricted units before marching them across a national border. 3. No strategic bombing into or out of China until 1/44. Air field, port, ground are acceptable targets. All types of industry are not. 4. No 4-engine bombers on ground attack if there are friendly ground units in the hex. 5. Night bombing - 50% or greater moonlight - one unit per base allotted Turn 1: 1. No new Allied TFs. Existing TFs can be given orders. 2. No orders to be given to non Chinese assigned air or ground units. 3. Japanese will attack Pearl Harbor. 4. No Port attacks on Manilla or Singapore. 5. No invasions will land other the the following possibilities: Kota Bharu, Batan Island, Guam. 6. No IJN fleets will end up closer than 5 hexes from an occupied Allied base.