Wacht Am Rhein/Battle of The Bulge (Full Version)

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Erik2 -> Wacht Am Rhein/Battle of The Bulge (11/9/2012 9:29:37 AM)

Download links for this custom mini-campaign.

Wacht Am Rhein

dsawan -> RE: Wacht Am Rhein/Battle of The Bulge (11/11/2012 12:02:34 PM)

Hi, thx for this. I played the first scenario as I SS and when i went to the second scenario after a marginal victory. the map was blank or second one did not work. Just a blacks creen. Can you fix?

Erik2 -> RE: Wacht Am Rhein/Battle of The Bulge (11/11/2012 5:33:09 PM)

I madde the mistake of posting the links as the files were uploaded to the dropbox serfer.
You probably only got a partial download.

On of my other PC´s have updated all dropbox files, could you please try to download again?
Sorry about the inconvenience.


AlanBernardo -> RE: Wacht Am Rhein/Battle of The Bulge (11/12/2012 6:37:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: Erik Nygaard

I madde the mistake of posting the links as the files were uploaded to the dropbox serfer.
You probably only got a partial download.

On of my other PC´s have updated all dropbox files, could you please try to download again?
Sorry about the inconvenience.


I can't get this mod to even show in the game. Like to have a look, but there's too much to do just to install-- like all the packages and stuff.

It should be much simpler than this, quite honestly.


Erik2 -> RE: Wacht Am Rhein/Battle of The Bulge (11/12/2012 7:24:13 AM)

Well, that is the world of modding. You need to perform a few steps, but once you have used the Generic Mod Enabler it is actually quite easy to activate/deactivate the mods you want to use. And you leave your PzC installation as is.
Try this if you still want to test the campaign:

Unzip Massi, RSM_Redux to the Panzer Corps -> MODS folder
Unzip My Games, this includes a correct folder structure for the Wacht Am Rhein scenario files and briefings. Copy all folder to the My Games on your PC.
Unzip Panzer Corps, , this includes a correct folder structure for the Wacht Am Rhein graphic files etc. Copy all folder to a MODS folder in your PzC installation.
Unzip the generic mod enabler JSGME to the Panzer Corps folder and run it, then you select the mods you want to use (Massi and Wacht... are mandatory of course).

AlanBernardo -> RE: Wacht Am Rhein/Battle of The Bulge (11/13/2012 12:59:48 AM)


I got it to work.



dundas61 -> RE: Wacht Am Rhein/Battle of The Bulge (1/24/2013 8:51:32 AM)

Hi Erik,

The dropbox links at the site linked to the first post don't seem to be working any more - can you fix them please?


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