radic202 -> RE: New World War Z Trailer! (11/10/2012 1:39:05 AM)
wodin: I am on your side with The Walking Dead" Game, only one chapter left and I am anxious as hell....................they better keep Clementine alive or I will go "postal" on Telltale Games??? LOL! [image][IMG]http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss123/radic202/TheWalkingDeadEpisode1PCGame2528cover2529.jpg[/IMG][/image] [image][IMG]http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss123/radic202/ep4twdclemtrappedjpg-9d9734_640w.jpg[/IMG][/image] Now the TV series is also awesome, last episode was a total surprise for me. Without giving anything away for those who haven't seen it yet: love the idea that Carl is finally taking on a bigger role despite his young age. Glen is by far my favorite character just ahead of Darryl. Now if Andrea could get her head out of her A*** and see what the Governor is all about, and starting to really like Michonne........ Anyhow on the Film version of the book: I wish they would not have touch this excellent novel like they ruined "the Road" for me. The book was phenomenal but the movie was so bad, it actually made me no longer like the book as all I had imagined was now "tainted" with what the Director saw. That is why I said "nonetheless" as I will look forward to this adaptation as a great Zombie movie and not World War Z per se. [image][IMG]http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss123/radic202/the-walking-dead1.jpg[/IMG][/image] [image][IMG]http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss123/radic202/the-walking-dead-season-2-21-1024x681.jpg[/IMG][/image] [image][IMG]http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss123/radic202/the-walking-dead-season-2-41-1024x681.jpg[/IMG][/image] [image][IMG]http://i568.photobucket.com/albums/ss123/radic202/Walking-Dead-Season-3-Michonne-.jpg[/IMG][/image]