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warspite1 -> Feedback (11/15/2012 11:24:59 PM)

Here is some feedback on the game so far.

First off, let me say I am having great fun with this. Just a couple of minor points:

1. I cannot get used to the Russians in grey. Please change!
2. It would be good to be able to see the original borders rather than just the fluid borders (which i really like by the way). Some sort of toggle button would be good.
3. Need an undo button - unless I've missed it....

Lukas -> RE: Feedback (11/16/2012 2:26:34 AM)

1 & 3 should be addressed in a patch.

2: You mean original nation's borderlines? They're marked with darkened hex edges. Perhaps the effect is too subtle with hex grid on?


jack54 -> RE: Feedback (11/16/2012 3:35:37 AM)

Hi all, Keep in mind I just bought game this a few hours ago.

I find the movement system is something I have to get used to. There is no ingremental movement alowed.For example if you activate a unit and the map displays you may move that unit 5 hexs then you click and move it 2, thats it, that unit is done, no more movement. Along with the inability to move after firing makes things difficult, IMHO.

I am not saying this is wrong and these very issues may be what gives the game a WWI feel. Move, fire, move would probably feel like WWII.

I would love to see 'SOME' diplomacy a little arm twisting for flavor, so far I haven't found any. Also a multi-hex attack option.

Anyway a lot of effort has obviously gone into this game, I like the look and feel so far ... all the best to everyone involved!

warspite1 -> RE: Feedback (11/16/2012 6:58:13 AM)



1 & 3 should be addressed in a patch.

2: You mean original nation's borderlines? They're marked with darkened hex edges. Perhaps the effect is too subtle with hex grid on?


Lukas - good news about 1 + 3.

Re 2 - yes, the difference is too subtle - at least for my rubbish eyesight.... It definitely needs something (I think a toggle button so that you can check every now and then by means of say thick black lines).

Tophat1815 -> RE: Feedback (11/16/2012 6:15:33 PM)

I haven't bought the game yet but from the screenshots I'd agree with Russian unit counters needing a different color and the original borders needing to be darker for older players eyes.[;)]

My major issues(though its not gonna stop me buying the game later today[:D])is the GERMAN FLAG! Why in heavens name is not the Imperial Battle Flag used to represent Imperial Germany?

warspite1 -> RE: Feedback (11/17/2012 10:26:44 AM)

More feedback

Love the sound effects - wife just gone out so put up LOUD. Nice! [;)]

Blubel -> RE: Feedback (11/17/2012 12:55:04 PM)

The music theme works very well!

jack54 -> RE: Feedback (11/17/2012 7:14:01 PM)

Yes some nice design decisions... my concerns from post two about movement are now OK... I am getting use to it and it indeed gives more of a WWI feel. The swapping position option with neighboring units is very nice. :-)

One thing I have a problem with is crossing the channel... ([turn 1 embark only] [turn 2 move] [ turn 3 disembark only]) At 2 week turns its 6 weeks till land and 8 weeks till you are moving again. (Constructive criticism only). Maybe half movement after embarking or disembarking. ( I'm not sure. )
anyway thanks again...

Pizzaspy -> RE: Feedback (11/17/2012 8:53:29 PM)

This is a great game. I can't put it down!

I love:
Simple to play, yet strategically deep. Very tense decision making the whole way through
AI plays in a believable and intelligent way, much more-so than most other wargames
The game feels very balanced...more experience needed to truly judge that of course
Visuals and audio are excellent, immersive
The ammo mechanic is brilliant...saving it up and using multiple artillery batteries to make a breakthrough in the line feels amazing. Running low is stressful
Attention to historical detail with the writing and events, introduction

Couple things I would change/fix:
I'm fine with no movement after attacking, that feels right. But not being able to use movement points step by step feels very limiting. It makes using a sub and scouting into the fog especially painful.
When holding down LMB to drag the map while a unit is selected, it will move when I let go of the button. Once the map moves it should not register as a movement command as well.
I would LOVE an undo command ( assuming no fog was revealed ) for those times I misclick ( use case tends to be rolling over many hexes looking at combat odds and then deciding to click the map to deselect forgetting it will move. Something I will get used to, but a little extra help is always a good thing )
Show commanders stats in the pop-up when they become available...I often don't have them memorized and suddenly have to make a decision with no info! ( or if Im missing some workaround to this, make that more obvious )
"Are you sure?" popup when cancelling focus...I have done that by accident twice now and lost my focus completely until a new round of research.
Tooltip for having to press control to swap places would be good for new players, I spent a lot of time figuring that one out ( was too lazy to look it up during the excitement of a game )
A reminder icon in the research tab to tell me I have unused focus
A reminder icon in the production tab to tell me I have troops ready ( or a reminder popup end of round like the one that comes up if you dont move an empires units )

So basically a lot of minor usability items...

warspite1 -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 12:44:47 AM)

Having just finished an AAR as the Allies, I thought I would note some of the things I came across:

First off congratulations team on a really fun game. I am really pleased I took the plunge. The game looks really nice and plays well. Just a few things (in no particular order):

1. The reason I gave up and did not finish off Turkey is because I would have needed to order each unit each turn to go long distances. Is it possible to have a memory like with CIV where you give a unit a path and he follows it until he comes across the enemy?

2. AI. I don't think the AI was bad but a few things were off. The Bulgarians appeared everywhere, as did a few Turks. I'm not too worried about gameyness, but from a commonsense perspective, the home country should have the bulk of its units defending its own country or interests. What happened instead? Sofia was completely unguarded - there was not one Bulgarian in the country evn though Romania's entry was imminent.

3. AI. Again a few cases (not many though) where individual units went off and got themselves out of supply and surrounded.

4. A few tiimes the city did not change colour when ownership passed - hopefully cosmetic and nothing more serious like the ownership not actually changing.

5. Must have an undo button

6. Should have an ability to move, stop and then move again (if within movement range).

wodin -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 12:57:05 AM)

After reading warpsites excellent AAR it seems the German Army could do with some beefing up. Having heard people struggle from the CP point of views aswell it probably isn't an AI issue. I think it may need looking at. Not sure what it is but I feel it needs abi more work somehwere to make it play like WW1 rather than a mix of WW1 and WW2 which is how it felt not long into Warspiets AAR.

Tophat1815 -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 1:07:09 AM)

Seems to me that 1 AAR and some initial word of mouth feedback is a rather small sample to go and make game changes over. Not saying something doesn't need tweaking,just that the jury is still out on this. On a plus side of things i now know what side to pick for my first foray into the game. Central powers here i come..........

catwhoorg -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 4:22:36 AM)

#3 Undo button - must have in an early patch.

My workaround is to reload the autosave and play the turn the same way, but that gets time consuming

LuckyJim1010 -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 6:46:59 AM)

Pizzaspy - +1 from me.

You hit all the niggly little things I was going to post about. Especially the Focus thing

Also agree with the 'I love' paragraph in the same post.

Great game that I don't have to read a huge manual to play

Blubel -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 11:23:05 AM)

An undo button would be great.

As for balancing, I think it is really good. The CP have to take out one or two of their enemies, or they will go down before 1918.
The plyer can do this easily enough, but the AI may need some help to decide to prioritize taking out the Serbians...

parusski -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 3:38:31 PM)

Not sure what new I can say after beta testing for a year.

Oh yeah, I paid FULL PRICE, never thought of taking the kind offer of a discount for beta testers.

NefariousKoel -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 3:56:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Re 2 - yes, the difference is too subtle - at least for my rubbish eyesight.... It definitely needs something (I think a toggle button so that you can check every now and then by means of say thick black lines).

A toggle would be ideal as I like the lighter hexside coloring as it is. If it were darker, it'd be easily mistaken for the front line and add more clutter to the map. [:-]

warspite1 -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 4:50:21 PM)

Feedback on playing the CP.

The AI seemed to put too much emphasis on Egypt. My Turks coud not make a real impression - the British had loads of units - Infantry and Garrison, but also an artillery. That of course is fine except there was too little to stop the Germans in France.

I think the AI needs to be programmed to save France first and foremost.


Playing CP was just as much fun - though different types of warfare - as playing the Entente. I absolutely love this game - money well spent!

Grim.Reaper -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 5:29:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Feedback on playing the CP.

The AI seemed to put too much emphasis on Egypt. My Turks coud not make a real impression - the British had loads of units - Infantry and Garrison, but also an artillery. That of course is fine except there was too little to stop the Germans in France.

I think the AI needs to be programmed to save France first and foremost.


Playing CP was just as much fun - though different types of warfare - as playing the Entente. I absolutely love this game - money well spent!

Warspite, just curious if you have tried playing on the most difficult levels yet? Wondering if that would help enhance the AI.

warspite1 -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 5:37:00 PM)


ORIGINAL: Grim.Reaper


ORIGINAL: warspite1

Feedback on playing the CP.

The AI seemed to put too much emphasis on Egypt. My Turks coud not make a real impression - the British had loads of units - Infantry and Garrison, but also an artillery. That of course is fine except there was too little to stop the Germans in France.

I think the AI needs to be programmed to save France first and foremost.


Playing CP was just as much fun - though different types of warfare - as playing the Entente. I absolutely love this game - money well spent!

Warspite, just curious if you have tried playing on the most difficult levels yet? Wondering if that would help enhance the AI.

No, I've just done the mid-level dificulty. I will have a crack at this though. Not looking forward to playing the Russians on that level [X(]

warspite1 -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 6:01:33 PM)

When I played the Allies, the Belgian Arrmoured Car unit started in Antwerp and the Garrison in Liege. When I played the CP it was the other way around? Is that a "bug" or is that as intended?

parusski -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 7:31:27 PM)

The Russians on that level are a BEAR, and I am not trying to be funny-though it help..

patchogue -> RE: Feedback (11/18/2012 8:31:31 PM)

The lack of an undo button is surely to model the idea that the British allowed most of their trained staff officers to rejoin their regiments - poor staff work...units head east instead of west! There is the same issue in DC:CB - but it is still my (staff's) fault when I misclick!

balto -> RE: Feedback (11/19/2012 2:03:06 AM)

Allow the UNDO button to work in PURCHASING and RESEARCH also.

Also, tone down the Serbs. They are too powerful.

colberki -> RE: Feedback (11/19/2012 4:40:35 PM)

Dont allow undo button - encourages "exploring" aka cheating. In CEaW, there is no undo button - works very well.

catwhoorg -> RE: Feedback (11/19/2012 4:49:51 PM)

An undo button, with the option to not allow it in multi-player. Wouldn't that be the absolute ideal ?

jwduquette1 -> RE: Feedback (11/19/2012 5:22:02 PM)

Bought the game last week. Finally sat down and played over the weekend. Played all the way through the 1914 - 1918 campaign game as the Central Powers (Germans, Austrians, Turks, Bulgarians) and managed a minor victory. Overall impression…Great Game. Lots of twists and turns and numerous moments of panic against the AI. Just when I think I have things stabilized ion the Eastern Front – Italy enters the War – or Romania enters the War – or the AI manages a breakthrough on the Western Front. It all kept me hoping around from crisis to crisis resulting in a “can’t put down the lap top experience”. I finished the grand campaign at about 2AM last night. Tough getting up this morning to drag my arse into work.

The AI actually works pretty well. Which I suppose is partly a function of the static nature of the War. But it seemed to be well scripted and pretty adapt at applying game mechanics – logical applications of combined arms attacks (infantry+armor+artillery+air; relief in-place of disrupted\depleted units -- counterattacking breakthroughs -- and etc.). The AI also executed a few interesting scripting surprises such as coordination of the UK offensive thru the Gaza Line along with the Arab Revolt coming up thru Medina. The AI Completely shattered my Turkish Line around Gaza and then Advanced up into Palestine and Syria. But then the AI stopped after Capping Jerusalem and Damascus. Why doenst the UK continue to Advance into Turkey?

I really liked how the game automatically reminds you to have a look at the Turkish Front. I kept forgetting to go down there during my turn. When you hit end turn, if you haven't touched any Turks, a warning note pops up telling you that you forgot to move your Turks.

Things I would have liked or things I think would have made the game just a tad better:

1) As others have indicated above – an “UNDO” command for moves which haven’t resulted in any sort of intell being gained. This isn’t critical, but I did make a couple of bad mouse clicks during the game.

2) As somebody else indicated above, the use of Gray for the Russians is tough on my eyes. I started with the 3D art unit representations (the 3D art is very well done). However, because I'm an old fashioned (old-fart) wargamer, I quickly switched to NATO symbols. Nice to have the option to use either. It was occasionally difficult to tell the difference between German Units and Russian units. I accidentally attacked a Russian unit that I thought was a German. I was looking at a number of units and their relative condition and had selected a friendly Bulgarian unit whos strength was "in the Red". I than clicked on what I thought was an adjacent German infantry unit only to have the Bulgarian unit attack. Because it was in the red, it was wiped out during the attack. Ouch.

3) As with above but less critical, it seemed like the UK units, Portuguese Units and Italian units color palate is very close to each other. Not a huge deal.

4) Air bombardment – both from fighters and bomber air units -- seems overly effective at reducing the strength of enemy units. I guess I’d be more inclined to see the strength loss effects reduced, but keep the “disruption” effects (not sure “disruption" is the right game nomenclature – but when a units strength points go from white – to yellow – to red).

Aside from the minor complaints above, Great Job with “Commander, The Great War”! It’s not a game of Blitzkrieg – so be prepared for a long slugfest. But it really felt like a strategic level portrait of WWI. On the other hand it didn’t feel overly ponderous or overwhelming or boring. I'm always worried about WWI wargames being overly boring because of the static nature of combat on the Western Front.

GTGW is a great mixture of wargaming fun and historical simulation. It's fun, but not over the top beer and pretzels. Perhaps a tad more complex than Panzer Corps. It was like a good book that I just could not put down until I got to the end.

Myrddraal -> RE: Feedback (11/19/2012 6:22:03 PM)

Thanks a lot for the feedback jwduquette. Just a quick note; you refer to a lot of 'scripted' AI. In the usual sense of the word, very little of the AI behaviour is 'scripted', it is (almost) entirely dynamic. If you completely changed the map and the nations involved, the AI would adapt to this new situation.

warspite1 -> RE: Feedback (11/19/2012 10:07:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: warspite1

When I played the Allies, the Belgian Arrmoured Car unit started in Antwerp and the Garrison in Liege. When I played the CP it was the other way around? Is that a "bug" or is that as intended?

Does anyone know the answer to this?

Mike Parker -> RE: Feedback (11/19/2012 10:20:54 PM)

Warspite... I have always had the Armoured Car in Antwerp regardless of side... I will try and start a few games for each side to investigate. Maybe there are some alternate set-ups it randomizes?

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