Difficulty bug? (Full Version)

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vonRocko -> Difficulty bug? (11/21/2012 12:35:10 AM)

I'm purchasing the game tonight and I was wondering, what is this bug, in the difficulty levels, I hear about? Is "normal" level affected?

BYU 14 -> RE: Difficulty bug? (11/21/2012 12:41:31 AM)

Balanced is unaffected, it is when you pick the option to give the player an advantage. It is apparently making it harder :)

From feedback it seems balanced is the way to go anyway, providing a good challenge, while still giving the player a chance to win if you play smart.

vonRocko -> RE: Difficulty bug? (11/21/2012 12:47:38 AM)

OK, Thank you.

fuelli -> RE: Difficulty bug? (11/21/2012 12:18:13 PM)

Now, that explains why I got my a** kicked during my short beta test time. Really liked the game but as I was too stupid to get things going as cp in easy mode and I realized the game isnīt for me. Now I will give it a try [8D]

LarryP -> RE: Difficulty bug? (11/24/2012 9:55:58 PM)

Dang, I wish I would have read this to begin with. Turn 14 on the Entente side, on Easy with Handicap, and I'm getting my butt wiped.

BYU 14 -> RE: Difficulty bug? (11/24/2012 11:24:04 PM)



Dang, I wish I would have read this to begin with. Turn 14 on the Entente side, on Easy with Handicap, and I'm getting my butt wiped.

LOL, this got a few people. Give balanced a try Larry, think you will find it just about right. You will be rewarded for good strategy and punished for bad :)

LarryP -> RE: Difficulty bug? (11/25/2012 1:53:52 PM)

I hope you are right. Today I will give Balanced a go.

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