Jagged Alliance/Silent Storm likes. (Full Version)

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SapperAstro_MatrixForum -> Jagged Alliance/Silent Storm likes. (11/21/2012 2:22:19 PM)

Just been playing Silent Storm again, and it hit me; nobody is making these types of games anymore...I know Matrix has a B grade knockoff of this game type here for sale (Jagged edge) but from all reports, it is not a great example of this game type at all...

Have any devlopers thought of licensing the Silent Storm engine and bring out a new series here? Without the fantasy elements in particular. I bet they would be great sellers if done right.

Anyone else interested in more (well done and complete...) games in the Silent Storm/Jagged alliance vein?

vonRocko -> RE: Jagged Alliance/Silent Storm likes. (11/21/2012 2:31:48 PM)

I love games like this. I like them all from the newest xcom to Matrixs' Hired Guns. I would buy.[:)]

gunny -> RE: Jagged Alliance/Silent Storm likes. (11/23/2012 12:33:21 AM)

yep my favourite too, these single guys tactical squad games. I don't go much for the quest thing but love the fire fights. Played em all. Hired Guns was good. small maps but good turn based fun. For contrast 7.62 is a real time squad game, and has a cult following. The latest Jagged Alliance is Back in Action. It uses a plan and go system which is like a wego. It was patched ofcourse, has great graphics, weapons, and a semi open environment. The traditional JA fans from way back were too close minded to like this modern remake of their beloved game. So the game sells for half price now which is a steal.

wodin -> RE: Jagged Alliance/Silent Storm likes. (11/23/2012 1:23:31 AM)

I liked the latest JA game myself..esp with some mods.

milkweg -> RE: Jagged Alliance/Silent Storm likes. (11/23/2012 1:38:09 PM)



The traditional JA fans from way back were too close minded to like this modern remake of their beloved game. So the game sells for half price now which is a steal.

Not all of us. I played all the Jagged Alliance games and I still like the new Back In Action. I even don't mind Hired Guns and also have 7.62. None of them are as good as Jagged AllianceII though.

bartholimew -> RE: Jagged Alliance/Silent Storm likes. (11/26/2012 11:30:59 PM)

JA BIA = really really bad. Patch killed sniper weapons. No range advantage with sniper rifles. [:(] whahhh. game is dead now.

Rtwfreak -> RE: Jagged Alliance/Silent Storm likes. (11/27/2012 5:40:47 AM)

I liked the old X-Com series and Computer Ambush was a lot of fun but the fantasy crap in Silent Storm ruined it for me. I also like a campaign like X-Com did it as well with lots of random locations and loadouts for my crewmembers. I'd really like to see a "Western" campaign series done with the tactical gameplay of X-Com or Silent Storm. Just not enough Western games out there in a turn based fashion.

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