xe5 -> RE: VadeS fast review of Panthers in the Fog (11/24/2012 8:58:15 AM)
ORIGINAL: VadeS First of all PitF is a very dynamic game. Now you can't just send your troops whenever you want, if enemy spots you first you have little chance to survive. Infantry fire is more accurate and losing your team in gun fire could last couple of seconds, not mentioning being spotted in open ground. IMO this makes the biggest difference in solo play balance - the player optimally re-deploys his force and therefor doesnt have to move as much, get spotted and die. The AI doesnt re-deploy, does have to move, gets spotted and dies. No player re-deploy = fairer fight. quote:
In previous versions I could easily send my squad to the certain death i.e. assaulting moderately defended building, now troops will propably surrender or route - so forget about kamikaze or weak attack. HQ units are finally are fully useful - now broken unit is completly unuseful and without HQ it won't regain it's readiness. Beat up and weak teams will readily surrender when out of command. Barring a nearby command team, high leadership subordinate teams can stiffen weak teams. A good example in PITF is US rifle squads where sqd leaders in the rifle teams lend command influence to the BAR teams. Set the Team Info Icon option to 'Command' and use the Space Bar to see the proximity (ie. overlapping command circles) of higher leadership Rifle teams (red command circles) improve the command rating of lower leadership BAR teams (black command circles). [image]local://upfiles/31774/7FA48821726747B3B121D1F5C3C1CD0E.jpg[/image] quote:
Mortar fire is more deadlier than previously but it takes time and shells to aim target propertly. Mortar team has about 20 shells, about 4 are needed to aim target so in one game you could fire effectively max 3 targets. Fully supplied Mortar teams have 30 rounds and shoot 6 round fire missions. They require 2 spotting rounds to zero in on a new target. The first spotting round takes ~21 seconds to aim and will miss by a wide margin (occasionally causing friendly casualties). The second spotting round takes ~12 seconds to aim and will impact much closer to the target (occasionally causing enemy casualties). The remaining 4 rounds of the fire mission dont require any aiming time and are rapidly fired for effect on the target with some small CEP variation. If a mortar can see its own target the aim time is significantly shorter. The downside to this being that the target can also see the mortar team. There is no accuracy benefit if friendly units can spot the target, or if the firing range is shortened as in previous CC versions. An orange Target Marker appears on the tactical and mini-maps after the second spotting round when the mortar team is selected. Target Markers are centered on the 8x8 meter map 'tile' that the fire dot is placed in, not on the exact 5x5 centimeter map pixel the fire dot is centered on (Map scale is now 8 pixels = 1 meter). Target Markers for the last 3 fire missions are saved and displayed when the mortar unit is selected. New fire missions at existing Target Markers (or within those map tiles) require no aim time. Oddly, the CEP of fire missions at existing Target Markers seems to be slightly greater than the first 4 rounds of fire for effect. Its very useful to create a group for mortars (select->CTRL+number) so you can select them quickly in the heat of battle using that hotkey. Dont know why Target Markers arent displayed on the zoomed out Overview map but it would be helpful if they were.