Computer WITE rookie/wargame veteran (Full Version)

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Ten10ths -> Computer WITE rookie/wargame veteran (11/26/2012 4:41:26 PM)

I'm an experienced board/computer wargamer, but new to computer WITE. Have played the SPI boardgame several times a million years ago.

I'm looking for another computer WITE rookie to play the Soviets so that I can get a handle on the refined rules, the tactics in the computer version and to have another player to learn from. I'm thinking that playing enough turns in a casual game so that we both get enough experience in the PBEM mode to restart a "serious" game would be a great learning tool.

It'd also allow us to get fast enough to send turns in a timely enough manner to play anyone. I'll be fairly slow at first, until I get a handle on the routine.

Any takers? If so, email me back with your preferences. I have the Don to the Danube expansion installed and would prefer the Germans in the "Operation Barbarossa" scenario.

JMAC039122 -> RE: Computer WITE rookie/wargame veteran (12/21/2012 5:29:22 PM)

Are you still looking for a rookie Soviet opponent? (Never mind I have another game booked)

tkershner -> RE: Computer WITE rookie/wargame veteran (1/2/2013 5:36:27 PM)

Hi, I am also a longtime wargamer (board, miniatures and computer) who is also fairly new to WITE (I've never played in PBEM. Will play either side in any scenario with the proviso that we play one of the shorter scenarios before tackling one of the long ones. Plse let me know.

grantpettit -> RE: Computer WITE rookie/wargame veteran (1/29/2013 6:46:49 PM)

Hi,I'm new to this,just played for a couple of weeks so happy to do Soviet,from the Uk by the way,


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