RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (Full Version)

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BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 1:39:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: Dirtnap86

Jeebus what a bombardment. Mine never get close to that good, that stuff is black magic, seriously.

Two things: heavily stacked field and clear terrain.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 5:34:54 PM)

John's wife was involved in a traffic accident yesterday, but not hurt. They've been busy seeing doctors to make sure everything's okay. To add to her woes, she'd come down with a cold and that's left her feeling bad on top of some soreness.

So John's up to his eyeballs in alligators at the moment. We'll resume the game when things settle down for him, possibly later today.

ny59giants -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 5:58:59 PM)

As a consequence, John had to go to pet store to get crickets for their pet toads (his wife was on her way there when accident occurred). Thus, he was able to get in a quick phone call to me, but I did get a chuckle out of this. He reported it was a 'perk' of 15 years of marital bliss. [:D]

BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 6:23:08 PM)


ORIGINAL: ny59giants

As a consequence, John had to go to pet store to get crickets for their pet toads (his wife was on her way there when accident occurred). Thus, he was able to get in a quick phone call to me, but I did get a chuckle out of this. He reported it was a 'perk' of 15 years of marital bliss. [:D]

Pet toads? Does he use them to give him poison for his darts?


JeffroK -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 8:26:01 PM)

He runs a Subway doesnt he.......

Lecivius -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 8:39:35 PM)



He runs a Subway doesnt he.......

I was thinking the same thing [:D]

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 9:24:47 PM)

John manages a Subway but is transitioning to ownership of two Subways.

There's a lot of moving parts involved in the transition, which comes with a healthy dose of stress and worry and challenges and weariness....not to mention excitement and happiness.

For part of the transition, John has to spend time in Connecticut for training. Originally he had hoped that would begin about now, but it's been pushed back a month or so. In some ways, Connecticut might be a real treat, because he'll be away from all of the responsibilities at home (Dad! Honey! Boss!) and might be able to decompress a bit at night.

When I bought my business 12 years ago, I would sometimes wake up at 3 a.m., wondering, "How is this going to work! What if this happens! What if that? What if my family suffers?" It's a daunting and rewarding step to take.

Bif1961 -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 11:31:14 PM)

No one said how are the crickets?

DW -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 11:32:31 PM)



No one said how are the crickets?


MakeeLearn -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/22/2017 11:33:06 PM)

Take some time.... relax... enjoy the sunset.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/24/2017 4:13:39 AM)


Peep Show II: Massed Allied air raids vs. Taihoku and Taichu are unopposed and very successful. Enemy ground troops are vulnerable to attack by air. That's critical. And I have pretty detailed information about the units at both bases.

The Allied amphibious ships at Manila loaded the entire assault army in one day. The armada will leave port tonight.

I spent hours setting up and configuring the combat, carrier, ASW and MSW TFs. All ships are fully fueled and armed.

Will John fight? I think so. But so often, he fights weakly where I expect him to fight hard (Luzon, DEI) and hard where I expect him to fight weakly. He hates 4EB hitting his ground units, so it's possible that he'll conclude that Formosa is a lost cause. But until I know that for sure, I'll proceed on the assumption that he's going to throw everything he has at me.

The moon is gonna be full while all this is going on.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/24/2017 4:26:06 AM)


Indochina: The Allies easily take Hanaoi, meaning the Allied army in Indochina is about to link up with the Allied army in China.

China: I think John intends to fight for the coast. If so, I'll need to turn that into a dreadful mistake on his part. Allied 4EB will eat his units alive, once I have the airfields and supply necessary to handle the bombers. So the highest priority now is to get Peep Show II underway.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/24/2017 4:58:58 AM)


KB: Most of John's carriers are accounted for, spread across the Java Sea. These TFs don't pose a threat to any Allied assets at the moment.

These TFs carry about 900 aircraft. That leaves 200-300 unaccounted for.

Another TF may be out there, and I still wonder about a raid into the Bay of Bengal or against Rangoon.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/24/2017 8:35:16 PM)


Peep Show II: Death Star and the Herd are at sea, with D-Day in about three days.

The Allied army is roughly 120k, facing 175k Japanese. I'm counting heavily on the air campaign and bombardments at sea to bludgeon the Japanese. The extended bombing campaign probably has already had a decent effect. And supply may be an issue for John's guys.


witpqs -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/24/2017 9:05:37 PM)

I was wondering if John having his carriers split up in the DEI was due to sending them to different places to refuel? If so then maybe good luck in timing is on your side.

rkr1958 -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/25/2017 2:59:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Hey, John.  I thought of you a couple of days ago.  This time last year, you persuaded me to read "With the Old Breed."  I did so over the course of several days including once or twice at quiet outposts on a nearby mountain.  (Reading outdoors is one of my secret "vices.")  Got any other recommends?
Obviously I'm not John and this is 4 1/2 years after you asked but I do have several recommendations. I too got around to reading, "With the Old Breed" by Eugene Sledge. I've seen HBO's mini-series, "The Pacific" and "Band of Brothers" a half of dozen times each. I read Eugene's book last summer after rewatching the, "The Pacific". I highly recommend the following books which I read last Summer and Fall (2016).

(1) "With the Old Breed" by Eugene Sledge.

(2) "Helmet for my Pillow" by Robert Leckie.

(3) "Islands of the Damned" by R.V. Burgin (Burgin was Eugene's squad leader).

(4) "You-ll Be SOR-REE!" by Sid Phillips (Sid and Eugene were best friends and grew up together in/near Mobile, AL).

(5) "Band of Brothers" by Stephen E. Ambrose (I shift now to the ETO)

(6) "No Surrender" by James J. Sheeran

(7) "The Liberator" by Alex Kershaw

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/25/2017 6:59:21 PM)

Thanks for the suggestions, rkr. I'm looking for good books to read, so I'll see if my library has any of those. The only ones on your list that I've read are "With the Old Breed" and "Band of Brothers." Both are excellent. BoB is one of the finest works of WWII history that I've read.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/25/2017 7:07:02 PM)


Peep Show II: Death Star & The Herd steam six hexes. Tomorrow, the armada will be proximate to Formosa and Pescadores, so things will heat up rapidly. The first invasion will take place the day after.

August has been a complicated month, with things going well but mostly behind the scenes:

1. Peep Show I took place, with the Allies invading Foochow.
2. From Foochow, the Allied army moved south, taking bases all the way through Swatow.
3. The Allies kept the enemy airfields on Formosa suppressed.
4. Stared down full KB at Miri with minimal forces available, and John backed away (that's my spin on things)
5. Stared down full KB at Boela with moderate forces available, and John backed away (spin 2.0).
6. Safely got Mini DS and Its Herd from the Coral Sea to the DEI to Manila.
7. Replenished everything and got Peep Show II forces underway timely and in optimal condition.

On the negative side, John bombarded Foochow, shut down the airfield, and sank six of eight Fletchers (with the only offsetting things being CL Nagara taking two torps and one of his DDs taking heavy fires/heavy damage).


JohnDillworth -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/25/2017 8:57:18 PM)

Got a new book I am ripping through. The Jersey Brothers. 3 brothers, one the AAA gunnery officer for the Enterprise from Pearl Harbor through the Turkey shoot, another an intelligence officer in Rosevelts map room and the 3rd and officer on a sub tender who was injured and capture by the Japanese in Manilla. Written by a relative who pulled all the histories together. Can't spoil it because I haven't finished it but it is quite the page turned. New book, just showed up at the library. Absolutely fascinating to see the war from 3 such diverse viewpoints

Jellicoe -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/25/2017 9:23:12 PM)

Just picked up 'Sharks over China' from the local charity shop, Hardback and dustjacket untouched for the princely sum of £3. Its a history of the 23rd Fighter Group, successors to the AVG.

Looks good and for £3 you can't really complain

crsutton -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/25/2017 9:31:23 PM)

Well, "African Kaiser" is certainly high on my list or recommendations...[8|]

crsutton -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/25/2017 9:37:11 PM)

Dan, if you want a great summer book, I just read "Empire of the Summer Moon" while down at our beach place and found it to be superb. Those Comanches were some seriously rough dudes....

Smoky Stoker -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/25/2017 10:01:14 PM)

I cannot too strongly recommend Quartered Safe Out Here by George MacDonald Fraser, a memoir of his service as a grunt in Burma. Still in print.

Just as good, but harder to find are Bugles and a Tiger and The Road Past Mandalay by John Masters, the first covering his service as a junior officer in a pre-war Gurkha regiment, the second taking him through to the end of the war.

cwemyss -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/26/2017 3:13:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton

Dan, if you want a great summer book, I just read "Empire of the Summer Moon" while down at our beach place and found it to be superb. Those Comanches were some seriously rough dudes....

I read that last winter..... Awesome. And really cool to put the story with a lot of the local place names around here (north Texas).

CaptBeefheart -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/26/2017 3:27:10 AM)

I just read "Quartered Safe Out Here" on Kindle, which is a great read from the 100-foot level. Nothing strategic about it other than a few comments on what he learned about the campaign post war.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/26/2017 3:50:04 AM)


Peep Show II: Death Star & The Herd are in place.

D-Day at Taichu, Formosa, tomorrow. Originally this was to be relatively minor landing to freeze John's ability to transfer troops by rail, with the main landing taking place at Taihoku.

Taichu is so weakly defended (I wonder if John wasn't aware that it's a coastal hex?) that it's going to fall unless he rails in reinforcements pronto. He probably will.

The day after tomorrow, the larger, main landing will take place at Taikhoku. That base is more strongly defended, but I have two very strong divisions. And I'm counting on air and sea power.

I don't know if John will contest or not. You'd think so, but he's got backwards notions fixated on Victory Points rather than military considerations. If he doesn't fight hard, Formosa may not be the bear it ought to be. If he does fight hard, or if he pulls a rabbit out of his hat, then all bets are off.

What will the morrow be like? I wonder. I can't wait to see. I'm a bit worried.

But KB is in the Java and South China seas. So I don't have to worry about it. I don't have to worry much about big enemy airfields on Formosa and coastal China. And there's no sign (yet) of enemy subs or mines. Weird way to wage war.

Except from a Victory Point, gaming standpoint.

That is NOT (NOT!) a criticism. This a game. John is working the game. To this point, I've mainly been working the military angles. But if and when Formosa falls, the gaming aspect (harvesting VPs) will become a much larger part of my strategy.

1941-1942: Defensive fighting to stymie and attrition the Japanese.
1943-8/44: Offensive fighting to push from CenPac to DEI to Philippines to Formosa and China
9/44-1945: Offensive fighting to punish the Japanese militarily and to harvest VPs to win the game.


Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/26/2017 4:12:10 AM)


Peep Show II Deployment at Sea: Here's the rather simple plan for tomorrow's opening invasion.

P.S. What an amazingly unappealing graphic! If I had time and patience, I'd re-do it...and the second generation would be a big improvement.


BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/26/2017 5:43:40 AM)

Very much doubt he will rail troops into Taichu in time. They would need to be in Strat mode already, waiting to move wherever. I doubt John spent enough time on his armies to arrange that kind of detail. It just isn't interesting enough to him.

Encircled -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/26/2017 1:16:18 PM)

Bit harsh of you to use the real Death Star to cover Northern Formosa! [:)]

jwolf -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (6/26/2017 1:47:32 PM)

If Japanese troops on Formosa were already waiting aboard trains, then wouldn't they be extremely vulnerable to air attack?

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