RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (Full Version)

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Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 10:50:41 AM)



I think at this point of the war you will suffer higher losses than you do in the early years. As long as the raids are effective the loss is acceptable so tinkering with settings is important.

It could have been Alfred, someone said that players pore over their air losses. They seem to give more value than ground troops or small combat vessels. Would you be happy to lose a DD for a good cause??

I agree. I'm only three days into Unicycle. I'm adjusting my settings, trying to find the right combinaton. On two of the three days, though, my bombers haven't managed to score meaningful hits and losses have been basically 1:1. That doesn't help, short-term, towards auto-victory. Let's see how things are going by the end of March.

A week ago, during one four-turn strech, the Allies scored roughly 1200 points to about 150 for Japan. That's a solid ratio for auto victory. If I can achieve a decent air-war ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 while also scoring a 200 or 300 points a turn in raids against Home Island industry, that's good. But if the air war ratio is 1:1 and that Allies score 50 points, that's not good.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 11:33:38 AM)

The Saga of 5th Indian Division: This unit has been around the world. When it arrived on map in 1943, it shifted from India to North America, via the Mediterranean, as part of the massive shift of focus from Sumatra to the Pacific. The division arrived too late to participate in the invasion of Hokkaido, later re-directed to the Aleutians. It then remained at Prince Rupert for months, prepping for Amchitka Island, an invasion that was scrubbed. It then took part in Big Tent, the invasion of the DEI, as one of the core divisions targeting five major enemy bases. 5th Indian's target was Morotai. It occupied the key island against light opposition and then remain there as the occupying force for many months. I don't think 5th took part in the Luzon invasion but did take part in the invasion of Foochow, China, that followed. Thereafter, the unit moved all over, helping here and helping there, and playing an important role in the North China campaign in 1945. After helping take Tsingtao in March, the unit boarded ship and is currently in transit to Korea.

The Saga of 1st Marine Division:
This unit was the backbone of the invasion of Sumatra in late 1942. After securing Sabang it moved along the north coast, helping take Medan and other cities. It withstood the early Japanese counterattack but, to my surprise, gave way suddenly. It then retired to Sabang to regroup, forming the heart of the garrison that made a desperate stand. The unit was destroyed when Sabang fell in early July 1943. After being rebuilt (and with low experience), the unit moved to Hawaii while prepping for Eniwetok. It eventually broke into RCTs and participated in Roller Coaster, taking and/or occupying Merauke, Bathhurst Island and Babar. Eventually prep changed to Kendari, but that operation never got underway. In early 1945, the unit boarded transports. It is currently unloading at Gunzan, Korea. I don't think the unit has been in a serious fight since Sabang.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 2:18:51 PM)

I haven't run the next turn, but John gushed this OpSec in his email:

"The fight in China is pretty exciting. We’ll see how it plays out over the next 3-4 days. Will you have an open road to Manchuria or be pushed back 200 or 350 miles?

How about the aerial fighting over Fusan? Goodness.

He apparently doesn't realize the Allies are shifting to Korea and have no plans to advance much further in northern China (until the Chinese army makes it up there from Canton in about a month). I'm leaving a decent force to counter his army around Tsinan and vicinity. I don't anticipate being "pushed back 200 or 350 miles."

Lecivius -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 2:21:58 PM)

Verbal Diarrhea is the bane of any security.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 2:28:44 PM)

Yeah. This tells me (I think) why he's been flipping turns and which way he's leaning. That's helpful info.

The area of North China where we're campaigning is a vast one with few bases that are worth few points. It doesn't matter if I'm pushed back, as long as I don't lose an army. But I don't think he can push the Allies back in any meaningful way. I think he's more likely to run his army into stiff opposition, both on the ground and in the air.

JohnDillworth -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 3:15:32 PM)

Well I think fighters getting chewed up as escorts is the point. Much better to have fighters chewed up than B-29s. You can’t afford to lose 30 heavies a day. If fighters lower that number it is a good thing

GetAssista -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 3:16:33 PM)

At this point in the campaign you should encourage John's offensive operations on land by all means possible I guess. Cue supply drain and potential trashing of good LCUs like so many times before in those risky counter-attacks

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 3:21:21 PM)


ORIGINAL: JohnDillworth
Well I think fighters getting chewed up as escorts is the point. Much better to have fighters chewed up than B-29s. You can’t afford to lose 30 heavies a day. If fighters lower that number it is a good thing

There's truth there. But overall it's just a bad idea to employ fighters as escorts. If they're needed, I'm better off not attacking (usually). The Allied pools of bombers and fighters (and experienced pilots) are too shallow to forgive waste.

Right now I'm trying to wear down John's fighter corps. Fortunately, he's willing to fight over Fusan rather than making me come all the way to the Home Islands. It's a tough, tight battle, but I think the Allies are making pretty good headway. That progress is more noted in the next turn, which I just ran.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 3:25:37 PM)


ORIGINAL: GetAssista
At this point in the campaign you should encourage John's offensive operations on land by all means possible I guess. Cue supply drain and potential trashing of good LCUs like so many times before in those risky counter-attacks


For those wondering "why Korea instead of China?" here's the answer. China is a vast land sucking up supply. The terrain is good for maneuver and the Allies had a strong western army that could take on any Japanese force. But airfields and supply are too scarce and depositing any for distribution tends to see it frittered away here and there. Also, it is hard to destroy enemy units here. They're more likely to retreat further north, further from my airfields and supply and closer to his.

But Korea is sort of an "island." The supply dropped at Gunzan filters inland but not beyond my perimeter. The Japanese army there is large. Mine is large. The terrain offers some good opportunities. And everything is proximate to my big airfield. A number of targets are susceptible to bombardment TFs. I like the setup a lot. The disadvantage is that John can try a Dunkirk, but if Allied air eventually dominates, that's not as much of an option. I'll try to make John lose an army here.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 4:35:13 PM)


A much better day in the air, a good day at sea, and a good day on the ground. John is pretty excited about his offensive in China. I don't think he's aware that I've just moved an army from China to Korea. I think he's aware there's a growing threat to Korea but I don't think he's decided how to handle it yet. There are lots of forces in motion now.

Korea: Most of 1st Marine Div. is ashore and 5th Indian Div. is coming ashore. Supply is now in excess of 700k (that's a sight for sore eyes). I think the Allies will move on Moppo first. Gunzan is safe and the base to the east looks safe too. In the air, the Allies did pretty solid work at Fusan. At sea, a CL/DD TF bombarded Port Arthur and it's suddenly-busy airfield to good effect.

China: Parrying John's thrusts is made more difficult in that there are so many units wandering all over the place. Some weak. Some strong. Today I destroyed one weak unit east of Tsinan. I've elected to keep two infantry divisions, one RCT, and one armored unit on the Tsingtao/Tsinan Front (rather than immediately moving them to Korea with the rest). These, in addition to 9th Australian Div. and a bunch of Chinese troops, should be enough to handle the Tsinan Front, I think.

To the south, John is closing on Suchow. I think his army is much weaker. Mine is too, but sufficient to handle the threat, I think.

Allied air power should begin asserting itself in a meaningful way now - mainly 1EB and 2EB.


BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 4:58:45 PM)

Could the poor results at Shikuka and Toyohara be attributed to poor D/L on the targets?
If that is the case, the MD/L should be much better now that you have bombed it and a second attack should have more luck.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 5:05:13 PM)

That's a good thought. Of course, John should counter by moving fighters here pronto. How should I play it? Stand down or return?

HansBolter -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 5:35:25 PM)



Could the poor results at Shikuka and Toyohara be attributed to poor D/L on the targets?
If that is the case, the MD/L should be much better now that you have bombed it and a second attack should have more luck.

To this point, are you also actively running recon missions to your strategic bombing targets?

Yes, the bombers will do their own recon, but they only boost DL by 2 points while recon type aircraft boost DL by 4 points.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 5:48:05 PM)

Yes, nearly all my recon squadrons are in Korea now, but I don't always target bases under reconnaissance. Trying to keep John guessing.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 5:50:19 PM)

Question: Microsoft, the most hated corporation in my household, did one of those automatic updates yesterday. It's done something to my game screen. Now, whenever I move the cursor around, the color of the underlying screen (which happens to be mainly bright blue) bleeds through, overtopping or "erasing" the actual game screen.

Is there a switch I need to use or something else I need to do to give the game control of my screen?

Lecivius -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 6:14:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Question: Microsoft, the most hated corporation in my household, did one of those automatic updates yesterday. It's done something to my game screen. Now, whenever I move the cursor around, the color of the underlying screen (which happens to be mainly bright blue) bleeds through, overtopping or "erasing" the actual game screen.

Is there a switch I need to use or something else I need to do to give the game control of my screen?

You have been found by the bug that appears to be destroying this game.

So far, no one has found a good fix.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 6:36:21 PM)

Thanks for the link, Lecivius. The second post in that threat (by witpqs) seems to have worked for me.

Lecivius -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 6:38:01 PM)

Interesting. It did nothing for me (and some others). Very curious [&:]

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 6:38:52 PM)

Oops, it worked for three minutes. Short shelf life. Now I'm back to the bleed through.

BillBrown -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 8:15:06 PM)

Every day I give thanks that I stayed with Windows 7, never upgraded. I do hope my super computer will last a long time.

crsutton -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 9:06:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel


ORIGINAL: GetAssista
At this point in the campaign you should encourage John's offensive operations on land by all means possible I guess. Cue supply drain and potential trashing of good LCUs like so many times before in those risky counter-attacks


For those wondering "why Korea instead of China?" here's the answer. China is a vast land sucking up supply. The terrain is good for maneuver and the Allies had a strong western army that could take on any Japanese force. But airfields and supply are too scarce and depositing any for distribution tends to see it frittered away here and there. Also, it is hard to destroy enemy units here. They're more likely to retreat further north, further from my airfields and supply and closer to his.

But Korea is sort of an "island." The supply dropped at Gunzan filters inland but not beyond my perimeter. The Japanese army there is large. Mine is large. The terrain offers some good opportunities. And everything is proximate to my big airfield. A number of targets are susceptible to bombardment TFs. I like the setup a lot. The disadvantage is that John can try a Dunkirk, but if Allied air eventually dominates, that's not as much of an option. I'll try to make John lose an army here.

Well all that and then the obvious. Big bases in Korea put almost all of Japanese industry within fighter and medium bomber range. I really don't think it is worth fighting for the interior of China at all. Secure the coast and move on to Korea as soon as possible.

Lokasenna -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 9:19:53 PM)

This is why I manually select my updates.

Edit - I bet if you went into windowed mode (make sure you add -px and -py switches to make sure your window isn't small), it would fix it.

BBfanboy -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 9:23:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: crsutton


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel


ORIGINAL: GetAssista
At this point in the campaign you should encourage John's offensive operations on land by all means possible I guess. Cue supply drain and potential trashing of good LCUs like so many times before in those risky counter-attacks


For those wondering "why Korea instead of China?" here's the answer. China is a vast land sucking up supply. The terrain is good for maneuver and the Allies had a strong western army that could take on any Japanese force. But airfields and supply are too scarce and depositing any for distribution tends to see it frittered away here and there. Also, it is hard to destroy enemy units here. They're more likely to retreat further north, further from my airfields and supply and closer to his.

But Korea is sort of an "island." The supply dropped at Gunzan filters inland but not beyond my perimeter. The Japanese army there is large. Mine is large. The terrain offers some good opportunities. And everything is proximate to my big airfield. A number of targets are susceptible to bombardment TFs. I like the setup a lot. The disadvantage is that John can try a Dunkirk, but if Allied air eventually dominates, that's not as much of an option. I'll try to make John lose an army here.

Well all that and then the obvious. Big bases in Korea put almost all of Japanese industry within fighter and medium bomber range. I really don't think it is worth fighting for the interior of China at all. Secure the coast and move on to Korea as soon as possible.

One of Dan's stated strategic goals was to harvest points for destruction of IJA units. Most of the ones left in China are beat up and/or low on supply so continuing the mop-up using mostly Chinese units costs little and does not take away from the Korea end-game strategy. Some supply is reaching the Chinese via the Burma road and the Indo-china LST run from CRB to Hanoi or even Foochow.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/11/2018 10:01:26 PM)

crsutton is right. The main reason I came to Korea was the airfield(s).

BBfanboy is right. The main reason I'm still working the North China angle is that I've found that points for enemy men destroyed is the most efficient way to score points in the game. Some of you may remember that, long ago, I trailed in that category by 3,000 to 21,000. I had a hope of closing to 16,000 to 24,000 by the end of the game. Today, the score stands at 22,100 to 25,500. Pocketing and destroying Japanese units is worthwhile. That's an important objective in both Korea and China...especially if I keep struggling in the air war.

Bearcat2 -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2018 12:38:47 AM)


ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Oops, it worked for three minutes. Short shelf life. Now I'm back to the bleed through.

Try taking out the " -dd_sw "

Originally with WIN10, game wouldn't work for me without that switch because of slow scrolling, but after this latest update, had the same problem as you currently have, took out that switch and no more bleed through and scrolling remained fast.

This is all I am using now: -deepColor -x1920 -y1080

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2018 12:51:02 AM)

Thanks, Bearcat. I'll give it a try.

witpqs -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2018 2:26:55 PM)

At one point Alfred clarified the issue of base repair: while base and base fortification building requires supply, base repair does not require supply. If a base is not repairing the issue is a lack of appropriate engineers which are in combat mode and enabled (meaning not disabled squads).

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2018 3:30:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: Bearcat2

ORIGINAL: Canoerebel

Oops, it worked for three minutes. Short shelf life. Now I'm back to the bleed through.

Try taking out the " -dd_sw "

Originally with WIN10, game wouldn't work for me without that switch because of slow scrolling, but after this latest update, had the same problem as you currently have, took out that switch and no more bleed through and scrolling remained fast.

This is all I am using now: -deepColor -x1920 -y1080

Thanks, Bearcat. I deleted the -dd_sw from my Obvert game file and it worked. The replay ran right and the turn itself ran right. There was not bleed through nor any trouble scrolling.

I haven't tried it yet with my John game, as he won't send the turn until sometime later today (or, for that matter, tomorrow), but it should work there too.

Canoerebel -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/12/2018 3:32:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: witpqs
At one point Alfred clarified the issue of base repair: while base and base fortification building requires supply, base repair does not require supply. If a base is not repairing the issue is a lack of appropriate engineers which are in combat mode and enabled (meaning not disabled squads).

This is one of those things I am incapable of remembering. It just doesn't stick in my head. Same as the "no withdrawals from Pearl Harbor." Each game, I have to learn that again.

On the flip side, I've never had any trouble remember the rule about fleet carrier ops in base hexes. Alot of players seem to have it fixed in my mind that the limitation applies to any coastal hex.

Jellicoe -> RE: The Good The Bad & The Indifferent (1/13/2018 8:12:42 AM)


Thanks Bearcat, that worked a treat - worth sticking in the main thread

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