Bug perhaps - disabled return rate (Full Version)

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sjohnson -> Bug perhaps - disabled return rate (12/2/2012 5:56:11 AM)

On page 181 of the manual, it states that in V1.05.18 that the disabled return rate was lowered for the Soviet side from 1% to 0.5% per turn.

However, on testing, it appears that it is actually still 1.0% per turn.

It looked off to me playing a head to head game just testing various tactics. So, I checked it by loading the 43 scenario, backing all units from both sides away from each other and recording the loss pool totals for several turns.

You will see from the spreadsheet table below that the return rate from the disabled pool is about 1.05% per turn for each side. Notes -

1) note that the total KIA and POW does not change
2) there is some small attrition loss per turn, I assume it is breakdowns, etc as there are no incremental KIA, POW
3) thus, all this loss is disabled (or perhaps in transit?). Nonetheless, it does not change the calculation by much.
4) the total disabled returned to the usable pool each turn is equal to the change in the disabled pool + the disabled loss for that turn

See the table.

(*the 1.31% return rate for the Axis in 8/23 is probably because I recorded the 8/16/43 disabled pool wrong, I left out a digit when I typed it in and had to guess what turns out to probably have been the "thousands" place).


sjohnson -> RE: Bug perhaps - disabled return rate (12/2/2012 5:56:56 AM)

Let me know if you need a save that can be run from the point the table ends to confirm.

Helpless -> RE: Bug perhaps - disabled return rate (12/2/2012 9:56:53 AM)

Disabled are reduced by 1% but only 1/2 goes to the active pool, another 1/2 get lost.

sjohnson -> RE: Bug perhaps - disabled return rate (12/4/2012 10:31:11 PM)

Hi Helpless - so if the Soviet disabled pull is eg 3,000,000 then 15,000 would go to active pool; the other 15,000 are lost. Understood.

Question - does the permanent loss pool (KIA) adjust for the 15,000 that are lost? My guess is not.


Helpless -> RE: Bug perhaps - disabled return rate (12/4/2012 10:35:37 PM)


Question - does the permanent loss pool (KIA) adjust for the 15,000 that are lost? My guess is not.

No, they just get less to the active pool.

sjohnson -> RE: Bug perhaps - disabled return rate (12/4/2012 10:52:06 PM)

Excellent - that's what I figured. So really when looking at loss history, it is important to understand that 1/2 of all Soviet disabled losses are really permanent losses at some point. I am analyzing loss ratios etc and this may be an important factor (about +1 on the ratio of Soviet to German losses - eg so if you see 3:1 in game, it really is more like 4:1).

Thanks as always for the quick reply!

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