New member basic question (Full Version)

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Bavaria -> New member basic question (12/2/2012 10:39:42 AM)


A VERY new member - I wish to create scenarios that use the Company as the basic manoeuvre element; these need to change so reflecting the updating that occurred in all World War One armies.

Is this possible using TOAW 111? I do not own the game at present hence this question. I am grateful for any replies


LLv34_Snefens -> RE: New member basic question (12/3/2012 5:09:28 PM)

Yes and no.

A unit created can't have it's authorized equipment and squads changed during a game, but there are other methods of simulating the evolution in it's composition.

Example, you want to have a company with 4 platoons with 4 sections each, when starting the scenario. Later you want the unit to use only 3 platoons with 3 sections.
So you create a unit with 16 total squads (9/9 squads A and 7/7 squads B). Both A and B can be created to have the same combat capabilities, but you make it so, that new Squad B's stop arriving as reinforcement at the time you want the change to occur, while Squad A continues. Through attrition you then eventually end up with a company of 9/9 Squad A and 0/7 Squad B.

You could also use the event editor to withdraw or disbanding a unit with 16 squads, and have it be replaced by a 9 squad company instead.

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